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Folders in addition to tags for resource management.

Forum Champion
Noticed that the Tag on this thread changed from "Long Term" to "In Development".
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Yes, just noticed that too and came here to throw my own "YAY!!" in ;) *thumbs up to the devs*

Edited 1417536900
Happy to see a good idea off and running. Way to go.
I'm also for folders, and I had this idea many months ago. Introduce folders, I always need to search 1-5 Minutes...
I'm just curious when the first version will hit the Dev server
I'm personally in favor ofa hybrid solution, that's both tags and folders. Basically folders would work like saved tag seaches(at least on the backend). Basically you would have a tag management window. The bottom half would have all your defined tags, and you could create more right there. In the top half you could drag the tags up into a tree layout. Like Character => PC, and Character => NPC => Barmaids. These would should up with character folder with two folders inside PC and NPC. Characters with the tag Character would show up in the Character folder, unless they also had the PC or NPC tag. A character eith Character and Barmaids would still shoe up in Character folder because it doesn't have the NPC tag. A character with Character, NPC, and PC would show up in both PC and NPC folder. Than you would have an asset management window that lets you drag and drop into folders and auto tag. Holding shift would remove all other tags. Also the tag search the backend uses would be case sensitive and only search whole strings, so PC would not show up in NPC.
Nobody wants to take Tags away Matthew. You can still use them if you like. Heck you can even use tags and folders at the same time I would guess. A hybrid solution might sound fine, but really it wouldn't work too well. Example: Now you say it works like saved tag searches. So someone searching for Character, NPC and Barmaid would find the Barmaid. Yes. But so would someone searching for Barmaid, Character and NPC, though that might be a completely different folder. And now imagine there's a token that has the tags "Character, NPC, Warrior" because it's an NPC warrior, but also has the tags (those won't make sense now, I know that, it's just an example) "Outfit, Barmaid" because the warrior is wearing a Barmaid outfit... Now it would still be found in the Character => NPC => Barmaid folder. As well as in the Outfit => Warrior folder, though it doesn't wear a warrior outfit at all and I never put it in that folder. And it's really not what I personally want. I don't want to have to manage tags so they show up just right. I don't want to have anything to do with tags, because tags just don't work for me. It's not how I sort or process things. I know they work great for some people and that's great for them. As I said, not wanting to take tags away from those. Keep using them. But give us actual folders. Even if all the tag-ization is handled internally, and I just drag and drop stuff into folders, it might still cause issues like the example above. Maybe less so unless you manually mess with tags, (and I could probably live with it), but it still wouldn't be what I really hope for.
First in my example, a character with the tags "Character, NPC, Warrior" would not show up in Outfit => Warrior folder because it doesn't have the Outfit tag. Personally I wouldn't mind having a folder system separate from the Tag system(or even no Tag system, I use them but I don't like them), I would be perfectly fine with it. But having worked with folder systems, as a programmer, I do not think that is is the best or most elegant system. I'm not proposing taking the current search system and applying it to this Tag hierarchy system. I'm proposing taking a new stricter search where having it search for "bar" wouldn't find "Bar" or "barmaid", it would be a backend search not meant for use by users. I don't see a problem with someone searching for "Character > NPC > Barmaid" or "Barmaid > Character > NPC" both finding the barmaid. Though I'm not sure why someone would have those folders. Another system that might work is special folder tags so "Character > NPC > Barmaid" folder would have the tag "|Character|NPC|Barmaid|" and than a character would have the tags "Character, NPC, Barmaid, |Character|NPC|Barmaid|"
I'm in! +1!

Edited 1419384052
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Its on dev! Seems only on characters and handouts so far, but very nice! Seems bugged at the moment though. I created 2 folders, moved characters and NPCs around, went to make a folder for handouts called 'Info', and now my entire Journal tab is empty. :\ Creating new folders/characters/handouts also dont show up now since it went blank.
Forum Champion
Love the report as far as knowing it's On Dev. Celebrate! William, your bug report actually should go on the Dev Forums, if you please. In general responses to "on dev" items are more visible for the team if you report it on a relevant thread on dev forum.

Edited 1419405293
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Theres a dev forum, or you mean bug reports?
Sheet Author
I think Gold meant the Mentor Forum. Features that are being tested on the Dev servers should be discussed on the Mentor forum.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah true, went back and was looking thought maybe I missed a forum somewhere..haha. hopefully it didn't eat all my characters..players wouldn't be happy at all :)
I'm so happy to see this. First the Journal then Art and the Jukebox!
Forum Champion
Vince said: I think Gold meant the Mentor Forum. Features that are being tested on the Dev servers should be discussed on the Mentor forum. Thanks for that. What Vince said. Riley emailed out some news about the folders today to the Roll20 mailing list. Note that if you are not receiving Roll20 email announcements and you want to sign up, the signup link is actually on the home page of Roll20 that does not appear if you're already logged in. So log-out and then go to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and scroll down to see the Join Email List option.
Id love to see this on the Purchases/Library as well due to it taking an age to scroll through things. If when you make a purchace off the market it should put it in the folder named from the store automatically.
Give me Folders or Give me Death!
Digital hugs to everyone involved in making this happen... - wow don't feel like I just gave &gt;180 hugs but thanks to all y'all!
Marketplace Creator
Now if only the Devs would do this for the jukebox, as this post suggests , then we would really have something.
I'm in 2 different "Living" campaigns with probably 60+ PCs in each and sheets for probably hundreds of NPCs. It would be incredibly helpful if I could actually organize these by anything other than alphabetical or tags. (Especially since whenever I duplicate my "Monster Template" it comes up under "Copy of monster template" nowhere near the original sheet XD
I wonder if it could be possible to add folders to Rollable Tables and Decks as well, although since these aren't text-related, it might be more complex I'm guessing...
Sheet Author
API Scripter
What the heck I cant put my characters in the right folders in the journal tab.
Folders are now live in Update of Holding for the journal. We'll continue to expand this functionality to other aspects of the interface as well such as the page toolbar and the Jukebox. I'm going to go ahead and mark this as Completed since the general idea is now in Roll20 it's only a matter of us continuing to expand/polish it.