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Pokemon RP

Hi, I'm looking for a new group to play with, and I'd like to play a Pokemon RP. If anybody is hosting one, I'd like to join. I can also run one.
Hi i have been planning out a Pokemon campaign but i haven't been able to find anyone to play with.So im willing to host one and be the GM.But i would still need more players at least 3 more not including you.If your interested in the game ive created let me know and ill tell you about the campaign ive created so far
New Develpment for those who wish to play. Jacob is going to GM in his world. PM me at Shining_Dash on skype. Mine is the one with the  guy with his hands on fire. I'm on all day usually. If not, send me a message and an invite and I'll see what I can do for ya.
I would like to play a pokemon rpg. just not sure if i can play when you guys can. let me know when you would like to play and i will see if i can make it work.
There's been a new development. Instead of Jacob B. running it, I'll be doing that. The story is set in the Orre region, the setting of the Colesseum games. Fifty years after the XD001 incident, life in Orre has become both harder and easier. The land is richer, the green lands are expanding, and the people know an easier life against the world. But against their own, they are continuously hurt. Snagem is back with a vengenace and their numbers dont' seem to end. You, the young pokemon trainer, are equipped with your own Snag machine and partnered with your own pokemon. Do you help the people and rid teh world of Snagem? Or do you go in for profit and say fuck the world?
Ya know what? Forget that first one. I have one that I and a couple others thought of. The world is Alon, and the geology is simple, yet advanced. Instead of being bordered off and pieces of a certain aspect of the land pockmarking the face of the planet, the world's different ecosystems are divided into eleven rings, going from least dangerous (outter rings) to most dangerous (inner rings). In order, it's ocean, coast, plains, foothills, mountains, winter, forest, swamp, badlands, desert, and finally the Well of Souls. You are a pokemon of your choice (barring legendaries). You are a trained knight, a protector of the people and explorer of the wilds. Those who train under the knights are given extensive martial and academic training, so those who hail from this honorable force encompass everything from mighty warriors to scholarly experts.
Alright, for those that want to join the game, here's how character creation will go. First, determin your pokemon, his/her name, what roll they will fulfill, their innate ability, and their money (4d10*3). Next, stats. Stats are 4d6d1 Depending on type you get 1 or 2 free types at start, plus one more feat every even level. List of available feats are here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Feats by Type: Normal&nbsp;&nbsp;- Reputation Bonus: Normal type pokemon are considered the underdogs of Alon. As such, they gain more reputation when they perform amazing feats. 10% more, to be precise. Grass&nbsp;&nbsp;- Green Affinity: When around vegetation, you can conceal yourself simply by lying still. Flying&nbsp;&nbsp;- Light as Air: When flying, even with armor, you suffer no weight penalties. Fighting - Blade Master:&nbsp;Whether natural or poke-made, you excel at swordplay. Gain +2 attack and damage when using blades and blade techniques. Electric&nbsp;- Drain Power: When at a power source, drain its energy to heal yourself for 2d10. Fire&nbsp;&nbsp;- Heated Strike: Once per day per level you can attack with a fiery physical strike for 2d10 damage. Water&nbsp;&nbsp;- Walk On Water: No, you're not Jesus Christ. But your body can easily stand atop of water, and swimming through it is as easy as walking on the ground. Ground - Dirt Nap: Healing rate is twice as fast when sleeping under ground. Rock&nbsp;&nbsp;- Tough Hide: Gain an additional 5 damage resistance. Psychic -&nbsp;Mind Works: +2 to Psychic/Telekinesis skills. Dragon - Draconic Wisdom: Gain 10% extra exp. Bug&nbsp;&nbsp;- Swarm: Basically, if you're attacked you can call upon a posse to aid you. Poison&nbsp;- Essence of Death: Spit. Blood. Piss. What have you. If it comes out of your body, you can poison somebody with it. Ice&nbsp;&nbsp;- Chilling Touch: Roll 1d4 on a physical attack. IF you roll a 4, you freeze the opponent solid. Steel&nbsp;&nbsp;- Impenetrable Mind: you don't have a "mind" to speak of, so you cannot be subjected to mind control. Ghost&nbsp;&nbsp;- Ignore Barriers: Pass through walls, floors, and other surfaces or barriers unhindered. Dark&nbsp;&nbsp;- Shadow Step: Move from shadow to shadow in the manner of a Teleport. Next, skills, or moves (Move points/MP). determine move points by (4+int mo)*4 at level 1, and then 4+int mod at every following level. Your skills are determined by the Pokemon. Look up a wiki to find out what moves are available. Armor and weapons are 4e DnD. starting armor and weapons are determined by role. Your character sheet will look like this: Name: Class: Weight: Species: Type: Height: Innate Ability: Level: Money: Stats: Str&nbsp; Dex&nbsp; Con&nbsp; Int&nbsp; Wis&nbsp; Cha&nbsp; Feats: Moveset: Armor: Weapon: now there may be some aspects I forgot. IF so, please tell me so I can rectify the creation system.
I don't mean to be an ass, but do you realize theres an actual Pokemon tabletop game? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; It seems weird to try to modify DnD for pokemon...
Yeah, but you'll be playinhg pokemon, and the feats don't make sense from pokemon, so I went ahead and just went with DnD for this.
I'd Like To Join
Stanton M. said: I'd Like To Join Alright. contact me on Skype.
Alrigth, I should have enough players. Openings are filled.