Alright, for those that want to join the game, here's how character creation will go. First, determin your pokemon, his/her name, what roll they will fulfill, their innate ability, and their money (4d10*3). Next, stats. Stats are 4d6d1 Depending on type you get 1 or 2 free types at start, plus one more feat every even level. List of available feats are here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Feats by Type: Normal - Reputation Bonus: Normal type pokemon are considered the underdogs of Alon. As such, they gain more reputation when they perform amazing feats. 10% more, to be precise. Grass - Green Affinity: When around vegetation, you can conceal yourself simply by lying still. Flying - Light as Air: When flying, even with armor, you suffer no weight penalties. Fighting - Blade Master: Whether natural or poke-made, you excel at swordplay. Gain +2 attack and damage when using blades and blade techniques. Electric - Drain Power: When at a power source, drain its energy to heal yourself for 2d10. Fire - Heated Strike: Once per day per level you can attack with a fiery physical strike for 2d10 damage. Water - Walk On Water: No, you're not Jesus Christ. But your body can easily stand atop of water, and swimming through it is as easy as walking on the ground. Ground - Dirt Nap: Healing rate is twice as fast when sleeping under ground. Rock - Tough Hide: Gain an additional 5 damage resistance. Psychic - Mind Works: +2 to Psychic/Telekinesis skills. Dragon - Draconic Wisdom: Gain 10% extra exp. Bug - Swarm: Basically, if you're attacked you can call upon a posse to aid you. Poison - Essence of Death: Spit. Blood. Piss. What have you. If it comes out of your body, you can poison somebody with it. Ice - Chilling Touch: Roll 1d4 on a physical attack. IF you roll a 4, you freeze the opponent solid. Steel - Impenetrable Mind: you don't have a "mind" to speak of, so you cannot be subjected to mind control. Ghost - Ignore Barriers: Pass through walls, floors, and other surfaces or barriers unhindered. Dark - Shadow Step: Move from shadow to shadow in the manner of a Teleport. Next, skills, or moves (Move points/MP). determine move points by (4+int mo)*4 at level 1, and then 4+int mod at every following level. Your skills are determined by the Pokemon. Look up a wiki to find out what moves are available. Armor and weapons are 4e DnD. starting armor and weapons are determined by role. Your character sheet will look like this: Name: Class: Weight: Species: Type: Height: Innate Ability: Level: Money: Stats: Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Feats: Moveset: Armor: Weapon: now there may be some aspects I forgot. IF so, please tell me so I can rectify the creation system.