Vince that is kinda like I'm thinking. I was looking @ the 5e sheet for example, and it has NPC/Player. It seems a GM section could be added with drop downs that you add each other character to it, and it could pull most of the data. The other logic could be specific to 5e, because it's just the 3rd tab on the character sheet. Also because the data is unique to 5e, it makes sense to have it just another tab on the 5e sheet. The creator of the sheet could then ensure that it "knows" what data is called for their sheets, and then provide simple tables. Any player could click it to see the overall players level calculations, exp, etc. But if there was a way to do with like a GM sheet that makes sense too. Or just allow multiple different character sheets per game. I'm going to have to look @ it more, and think about it some.