Rob A. said: Your jump start videos refer to two macro's that don't seem to work quite right. My demo character has a total init bonus of 4 /roll 1d20 + @{selected|init} /roll 1d20 + @{*Kaffius|init} Is this method depreciated? I'm using the Pathfinder character sheet. The output recieved is rolling 1d20 + (((floor((16 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 0 + 1) ( 4)+(((floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+floor(0/2)-(floor(abs(0)/2))-(floor(abs(0)/2)))+0+1) = 8 Nothing's gone wrong here. The (4) is what you rolled on the d20. The 8 is the sum of that d20 roll and the equation. Since you say your initiative bonus is 4, The calculation is obviously correct. When you're using the community-built character sheets, you will often run into calculated fields, such as your initiative modifier. Because of the way the character sheet system works, that whole calculation is expanded when the attribute is used. This does take up a lot of vertical space and can look ugly if you use /roll. However, as Vince points out, you can use inline rolls to hide the calculation, and only see it when you hover your mouse over the yellow box. If you want, you could also mix /roll with inline rolls using something like: /roll 1d20 + [[@{selected|init}]]. You would see 1d20+4 on your screen, and you could hover over the 4 to see how that is calculated.