Ziechael said: Back on topic though, Krampus, if you are GMing then there is a lot to be said for taking Mentor status . Not just the benefits of being able to transfer your campaign information from one campaign to the next, use dynamic lighting and such but with API in your toolkit there is essentially nothing you can't do (or nothing people like Aaron can't help you do...). The biggest bonus is that your players benefit from your membership within the confines of your campaign too! I am already thinking about it, but currently I'm not really GMing a lot via roll20.net, just one group. And I don't want to invest a lot of money for one group, that may end after 2-3 months. Edit: Thanks John W., I already figured out how to rebalance the table, and decided that it's not worth the work, and that I'm going to roll every time there actually is an encounter (Above table is already weighted btw, the stirges encounter has a weight of 2, just FYI)