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Finish the Special Effects engine!

Ok, this one is pretty self explanatory. The special effects engine is something you have said before was intended to be opened up to creating our own effects, and maybe making popular ones part of the default list. you even gave us a tool to play around with the engine on our own, but we still don't have a way to use the custom effects in game. :'( Can we get this feature finished PLEASE????
Also, once it is finished, I think it should be open to use by any subscriber in any game they play, regardless of if the campaign is owned by someone with the feature, but that is up to you guys.
Yes please! I know it's not the most important feature, but I really like the little fire effects they already made, and would love to see other effects added :D
Since I have been learning about the API, I have to ask, When the FX engine is updated/completed, can we please get API control over generating/ and setting the appearance variables?
Since my group is still playing around the tabletop, the only true value I get from Roll20 are the image/map/trackers/sounds. Character sheets are overall useless to me, calculations are as well - heck, even the dice roller isn't a NEEDED tool in my games - we just prefer it for logging reasons. Having more visual tools such as the Fx engine is, for me, a big deal. So.... +1 for sure!
Nice to see this getting a little more traction, hopefully we can get the Devs to give this feature a little more love :)
I agree with the title of this post. API and FX was what caused me to upgrade my account. The API is great, but am still waiting for FX to be upgraded. Two things I would like to have included when the upgrade begins to happen. First, let targeted tokens be effected by the FX so that macros can be made to cause the effect to happen to a targeted token. Secondly, as has been spoken about many times before, open the FX so that other types of effects can be created! Thank you for your swift attention to this awesome game feature!
+1. One of the reasons I joined
Marketplace Creator
My players love the fire effects, but would like more than that. +1 to the suggestions here.
I would love to have a nice selection of visual effects for the game.  Energy beams/blaster bolts, shimmering light effects, shockwaves to make the ground quake, etc.  It would pair up brilliantly when combined with the sound cloud feature.  Definitely a +1 here!
This would be tremendously useful! I've had many requests from my players for something like this.
We need to be able to use the FX on a target.
+1 to this 
Marketplace Creator
I have been a paying customer for quite some time. I too would like to many more effects, not just three. Effects were a major reason why I chose to pay and support development.
+1 Is there any reason this hasn't been done by now?  Dev response at all?
There's a new update on Dev that adds some additional features to the F/X tool, including additional effects (I think there are something like 15 or 20 now), the ability to "target" effects by aiming them, and more. We'll also be including the ability to create and share your own custom F/X as well. 
Like lightning and ice???? Please say yes. So cool!
This is now live on Main. You can read more about it here:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>