Ok, so I'm playing around with the new default template, and I've made a macro for a character's saving throws, but when it comes out in the chat window, it looks like this: I can expand the chat window to make it look like this: But then I lose precious screen real estate. Is there a way to use HTML formatting commands to make sure that the entire card shows in the chat window? Here's the code for the macro: &{template:default} {{name=**@{selected|token_name}**-Saving Throw}} {{**Type**= Pass/Fail }} {{Rods/Staves/Wands=[[1d20>@{selected|SaveRodsStavesWands}]] }} {{Breath Weapon=[[1d20>@{selected|SaveBreathWeapons}]] }} {{Paralysis/Poison/Death=[[1d20>@{selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}]] }} {{Petrification/Polymorph=[[1d20>@{selected|SavePetrificationPolymorph}]] }} {{Spells=[[1d20>@{selected|SaveSpells}]] }}