I am looking for one more player to fill out a game of D&D 3.5 What I'm looking for is a roleplayer that wants to play and have fun with others, that's it. I strive for a mix between roleplaying and combat, and the world is a custom world called Imoeth. Some things you should know if you're thinking of joining: I have some houserules in play, such as critical injuries, fumbling and other small additions. I have implemented a system for mass battles, in case you ever find yourselves in an army, or get armies of your own. Lastly, I will actually not play the game on roll20, since I am very bad at using that program. Instead we'll be using Maptools for it. I still have a roll20 group which you'll be invited to, where you can chat and whatnot, and see the listed houserules and what have you. List of allowed books: Players Handbook Players Handbook 2 (Duskblade and Dragon Shaman is out) Complete Adventurer Complete Arcane Complete Divine Complete Warrior Complete Champion Spell Compendium Magic Item Compendium Now then, I realize this is a bit of extra rules to take in, but it's really not so bad. If you're interested in roleplaying you should think of giving it a go. There is no set weekday or timeslot decided, I will see what works with everyone. Right now it does look like monday & Sunday is out, though.