I've been tooling around with the possibility of having it set up so that when my players use a spell with a line-shaped effect (like Lightning Bolt) they can just draw the line on the board and the API detects which enemies would be hit by the effect. To that end, I wrote up a quick script that takes a two-point Path object (a line segment) and a graphic object and determines if they intersect using basic linear algebra. I came up with something that works, but I don't like the methods I used to calculate the points on the line, but I couldn't figure out an easier way to do it based on the fairly vague documentation for the Path object that exists. If someone has more experience working with Path objects, I'd appreciate it if you could suggest a simpler method. <a href="https://gist.github.com/ddrussianinja/7d8cc09029edb91eda64.js" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/ddrussianinja/7d8cc09029edb91eda64.js</a>