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Savage Worlds Tabbed - Trait Roll Template - Notes?

It would appear that the template for Trait Rolls doesn't actually allow for any sort of notes... despite having a {{sit_notes}} section (which doesn't actually work) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I was wanting to add notes to some of my skill rolls to outline information such as Untrained Untrained + Jack of All Trades Edge Item However this does not appear to actually be possible with how the template is currently set up... the damage template has a working notes section, but it wouldn't be practical to use it for skill rolls...
Are Roll Templates for Savage Worlds Tabbed only for creating new Macros/Abilities? I've been trying to use Roll Templates but I can't find an option to use them anywhere on the character sheet. I've found that it works if you copy the mass of text into an Ability (and presumably a macro), but 1) there's no list for all the variable names, so I'm completely guessing on what all the variables are called (spMod? smMod? how do i variable) 2) the roll template example on the wiki only works for wildcards? Tried making an "Unshake" roll template for a Extra character, deleting the wilddie bits and it just would not recognize the Spirit dice rank as anything other than a d4. (didn't want to make a new thread just yet; hope it's okay I tacked it on here!)
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Chell said: It would appear that the template for Trait Rolls doesn't actually allow for any sort of notes... despite having a {{sit_notes}} section (which doesn't actually work) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'll take a look at that and see what I can find out. Toboe L. said: Are Roll Templates for Savage Worlds Tabbed only for creating new Macros/Abilities? Currently they are. I'm working on setting up buttons, but life got all kinds of hectic and it's been slow going.. Toboe L. said: I've been trying to use Roll Templates but I can't find an option to use them anywhere on the character sheet. I've found that it works if you copy the mass of text into an Ability (and presumably a macro), but 1) there's no list for all the variable names, so I'm completely guessing on what all the variables are called (spMod? smMod? how do i variable) Not sure I understand what you're asking. In the examples on the wiki the different modifiers are listed. There are also examples of standard (non-roll template rolls) with all the different modifiers for the roll. All the Traits follow the same schema (i.e. agMod, smMod, spMod, stMod, and viMod). The skills also follow a similar schema (FightingskillMod, ClimingskillMod, etc). Additionally, on the character sheet, you can over any of the different fields and get the field name in the form of @{something}. Toboe L. said: 2) the roll template example on the wiki only works for wildcards? Tried making an "Unshake" roll template for a Extra character, deleting the wilddie bits and it just would not recognize the Spirit dice rank as anything other than a d4. It will work, but you need to make sure you use the Mook field names instead of the Wild Card field. For example, instead of @{Agility} you'd use @{mAgility}. All those fields are also set up to show you their names when you hover over them, but the basic rule is there's an 'm' in front of the Trait names.
Oh, I didn't even know hovering gave the field names! That helps, although it still would've been nice to have them explicitly listed on the wiki. For instance, nowhere in the wiki is the variable "sprollMod" listed anywhere - for all I knew, the schema could have been vgrollMod or smarollMod. And it's a lot of hunt&search to find what possible modifiers can apply, hover all over the sheet to find the variable name, and then copy-paste it. (I spent a sad amount of time attempting to find the mook equivalent to "@{sprollMod}" until I realized it didn't exist)
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Toboe L. said: Oh, I didn't even know hovering gave the field names! That helps, although it still would've been nice to have them explicitly listed on the wiki. For instance, nowhere in the wiki is the variable "sprollMod" listed anywhere - for all I knew, the schema could have been vgrollMod or smarollMod. And it's a lot of hunt&search to find what possible modifiers can apply, hover all over the sheet to find the variable name, and then copy-paste it. (I spent a sad amount of time attempting to find the mook equivalent to "@{sprollMod}" until I realized it didn't exist) Sorry, for wild cards there are two different fields, one for the rank (agMod), and then a field if there are bonuses that modify the roll and not the rank (agrollMod). Same schema, but the hovering will still get everything. At some point I may try to update the wiki with all the fields (maybe even for the Mooks), but...I'm one guy with a ton of stuff on my plate at the moment, and that's at the bottom of my priority list. :) Sorry, about that—it's just the way it is. If someone else wants to take at stab at updating the wiki, I've got no problems with that at all...
Ha ha, yeah, I understand that. Sort of like asking someone to comment their code - they know how it works, dammit! :P In any case all the variable stuff will likely remain in the background when you've got buttons set up for the roll templates and people won't need to write their own anymore. I'm going to try setting up ones for one of my player's spellcaster to make them look pretty. Thank you so much for writing the tabbed character template for SW - this one is so much easier to use!
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LOL - yeah...I try to comment, but can get pretty bad about. I'll post here once I release the next version with (hopefully) some of these fixes.
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Regarding {{sit_notes}}...before I get the next version released this is something I can do: use {{other_mods}} and {{other_mod_vals}}. The formatting is a little wonky, but it is already available and allows you to do what you want. Here's an example of how you could use them: {{other_mods=Other Modifiers}} {{other_mod_vals=+2 JoAT, -2 Med Range, -2 Moving Platform}} Like I said, it will be a bit ugly,'s functional. I'll probably remove {{sit_notes}} and just go with this approach.

Edited 1428084425
That will work. would be nice to get the formatting fixed though... but it works... I've put each source under {{other_mods}} and the bonuses under {{other_mod_vals}} using & nbsp ; to set them to new lines for now.... looks a little better this way... just some formatting issues with the sources...
Note: I've been having problems with the Roll Damage roll template: &{template:clubsdamage} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{weapon=@{repeating_meleeweapons_0_WeaponType}}} {{damage_type=Str+d@{repeating_meleeweapons_0_DmgType}+@{repeating_meleeweapons_0_MDmgMod}}} {{damage=[[1d@{Strength}![Strength]+1d@{repeating_meleeweapons_0_DmgType}+@{repeating_meleeweapons_0_MDmgMod}[Weapon Damage]+@{dmgmod}[Damage Modifier]+1d@{repeating_meleeweapons_0_DmgRaise}[Bonus Damage]]]}} {{raise=@{repeating_meleeweapons_0_DmgRaise}}} {{dmgmod=@{dmgmod}}} No attribute was found for @{CharName|repeating_meleeweapons_0_DmgType} For some reason, it only happens for one character. The exact same macro works fine for other characters. I've also tried using the default template and have the same error.
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Toboe - repeating sections are kind of weird...every single field needs to have a value selected (and default values don't seem to work. What I mean by that is you should edit every single field and change the value and then click out of it. Then put them back to the correct value. At least that is what I have to do. There re is a suggestion in the suggestions forum about making repeating sections fully supported...if you have spare vote, I'd ask you to up one that particular suggestion...I think it'll make character sheets a lot easier to work with. Im not on a computer at the moment, otherwise I would link you directly to the suggestion. I'll try to remember to do t hat once I'm on the computer again.
Goddamn it I would've sworn I had edited every field since I saw your note on the wiki, but I missed a d4. Whoops! Alas, I only just joined roll20, so no available votes yet!
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LOL! No worries, I still miss stuff. :) For anyone who can—here's the link I was referring to: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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Just a quick update...I should be submitting a pull request in the next couple of days that will fix all the issues mentioned in this thread. I've incorporated sit_notes (FYI-it was actually included with the spadestrait2, already), and you will have the ability to select whether to use roll templates (and which ones), or not, for the roll buttons on the character sheet. I'll post a more thorough update once the pull request has been submitted. Just wanted both to know that the update is coming along and almost done.
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Pull Request #764 has been created. sit_notes should work (I decided to keep it so that the other mods could be used for single line things (such as Unskilled rolls Jack of all Trades) once everything is merged.