Rob A. said: Shoot! i forgot about that compendium work derp. GET IT FINISHED ALREADY! Do you need energy drinks sent to your house / office? Clearly you are still sleeping, incredibly inefficient! /sarcasm. I cannot wait to see what you guys accomplish. licensing issues... and you can bet the first thing WotC will say is... "charge them $50 per book, we dont care if they already have the physical." we have API script writers making stat block converters... imagine if they collaborated with the character sheet authors.. we might get something that does: 1. Find or search on the interwebs for a txt or other such document with "custom" monster stat blocks for whatever OGL system, with over 300 monsters cleanly laid out and parse-able. 2. Copy paste it to a handout called something like "Monster list alpha" 3. Run a script to pull values from this handout's huge list of variables and insert them into character sheets, including creating macros and token actions. 4. Enjoy TPKing your PC's wide selection of nasties. the point is with API being such a powerful tool, there are options open.