I have created a couple macros to make running some NPCs easier but I was thinking it might be cool if there was a way to emote as someone other than who you have selected. Maybe an emas command so that you could do this : /em makes some noises. Which would show as " Paul Barkley (GM) makes some noises. " as normal or you could do : /emas The Orc, makes some noises. to em as "The Orc". So even if I had Paul Barkley selected, that would show as " The Orc makes some noises. ". I was mainly thinking of using this at the start of macros for NPCs for things like this : /emas Tegaoria Malvas, waves his hands in an intricate pattern while muttering the words of his spell. To hit: /roll 1d20+8 Damage: /roll 2d6