Ok... so with the new nested in-line rolls live I decided to use them to clean up the roll results on my macro's a bit... and as a result now my macro's are broken... @{weapon1attackcalc} 1d20!cs>@{weapon1critmin}kh3 +[[{@{BAB}, @{level}}kh1]][BAB] +[[@{weapon1stat}]][Ability] +@{size}[Size] +@{weapon1enh}[Weapon Enh] +@{weapon1focus}[Weapon Focus] +2[Blink] +1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +2[Healer's Vision] +3[Skin of the Hero] +3[Divine Favor] +1[Ioun Stone] +1[Aerial Combat] -?{Power Attack?|0}[Pwr Attk] +?{Misc Atk|0}[Misc] @{weapon1damage} 1d6 +?{Size difference|1}d6[Fell the Greatest Foe] +[[@{weapon1damagestat}]] +@{weapon1enh}[Weapon Enh] +@{weapon1specialize}[Weapon Specialization] +1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +2[Healer's Vision] +3[Divine Favor] +?{Power Attack?|0}[Pwr Attk] +?{Misc Dmg|0}[Misc] @{weapon2damage} @{weapon2enh}d@{weapon2type}[Sneak Attack]+[[floor(@{casterlevel}/3)]]d@{weapon2type}[Hunter's Eye]+@{weapon2focus}d@{weapon2type}[Bonus Dice]+@{level}[Craven] @{weapon1fullattackmacro} &{template:DnD35Attack} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtags=attacks with a @{weapon1name} }} {{subtags2=[[(4*?{Miss chance? (1=True)|0})d100<50]] attacks miss }} {{attack1=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}]]}} {{fumbleroll=**Fumble**}} {{damage1=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg1=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]]}} {{attack2=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}-5]]}} {{damage2=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg2=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{attack3=hitting AC:[[@{weapon1attackcalc}-10]]}} {{damage3=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg3=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{attack4=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}-15]]}} {{damage4=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg4=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{attack5=**Magebane**: + **2** atk }} {{damage5= +[[2d6+2[vs Arcane Spellcasters]]]dmg}} {{attack6=**Weapon Crystal**: }} {{damage6=+[[1d6[vs Undead/Constructs]]]dmg}} {{attack7=**Vampiric**: }} {{damage7=+[[1d6]]health steal}} {{attack8=**Vexing Flanker**: + **4** atk **Harmony**: + **2** atk Flanking **Tactical Precision**: + **2** atk}} {{damage8=+[[1d6]]dmg Flanking w/**Ruby**}} {{notes= All attacks hit Flatfoot AC}} My goal was to hide all the floor(x+y/z) formulas from the character sheet so that the roll result would just be the basic math... It works fine for a single attack... sorta... when making a single attack, some of the extra bonuses with dice rolls output as plain text rather than a roll, including the crit damage result... and sometimes everything after the first attack roll and the final notes section won't even display... othertimes it outputs the whole roll as plain text without even calculating it... what's going on? can this be fixed?