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D&D 4e oneshot 6/15 @ 12 PM PST

Looking for six players for a D&D 4e one shot for tomorrow at 12 PM PST. We should be done by 6 or 7 PM. You must have a microphone. You must have Skype, as that is what we will be using to communicate. If you are interested, please send me a message with your Skype name. If you have any questions you may post here. This will not just be a Dungeon Crawl, there will be roleplaying as well. Character Creation Character level will be level 13. The only class I'm limiting is the Elementalist which is broken. All races are fine, but everything will need to be approved by me. You get one magic item of level -1, one of level, and one of level + 1. Then you get 13k gold to spend. Characters must be built in either the Online D&D Insider Character Builder, or the offline one. (PM me if you don't have access to either of these, and we'll work something out.) If you want, you can use a theme and background. No evil characters, and I use the nine alignment system from previous editions of D&D. You get three feats for free. Versatile expertise, Melee training, and Improved defenses. The party composition is as follows. When a spot is taken, I will fill in the class and race information.  Role Class   Race  Alignment Character Name  Username Leader       Andy B. Leader       Lord Nev Controller Psion       Matt A. Striker Vampire  Vyroloka    Dominiq von Dusq Dave Striker Slayer       Eric R. Defender     Mattia B. Countdown until the session starts
I'm interested...can you give us a bit of a hint as to what kind of adventure it will be, just so I can have an idea as to flavor? 
You'll all be boarding a passenger ship in the beginning, that's really all I want to say.
Im in. Question, is the Session hard? I enjoy making Optimized characters, I always put my little twist on it so its not one big cookie cutter from online but just wondering if its needed at all? Edit: Send me a PM to get my skype
Yeah my fights tend to be a little hard.
Leader here  Defender since it's suppose to be hard fights.
Lord Nev, could you please send me your skype?
Skype: nevilytis
I also forgot to mention that you get three feats for free. Versatile expertise, Melee training, and Improved defenses.
Here is a countdown till the session starts: <a href=";p0=137&amp;msg=One+Shot" rel="nofollow">;p0=137&amp;msg=One+Shot</a>
I am interested in this, but saddened at the same time that my preferred role of striker is taken. That said, I have been interested in trying out the controller side of things. I'll PM you my Skype.
Lord Nev, if you still wish to play a Leader i have a Defender concept i would love to try out. Otherwise i'm up for a leader.
Okay, redoing some character creation as I found out I'm doing it wrong. Change that 20k gold to one magic item of level -1, one of level, and one of level + 1. Then you get 13k gold to spend.
Still looking for leaders? If so just ask and i'll get one sorted :)
I think so
If it's not too late, I would like to join. I'm making a Warlord as we speak Edit: Actauly, scrap that. I can see that I am nowhere experienced enough with 4e to be able to create a high level charecter. so unless someone can help me out before we start, I will have to cancel
So...are we still on for this? It looks like we have at least 6 people interested.&nbsp; I will be Dominiq von Dusq, a vryloka noble vampire who is travelling with his manservant, Ygor. He has joined the group because he has been searching for years for a way to bring back his long-lost love, Lisavetta, from the dead and he believes the final thing he needs to complete the ritual is almost within his grasp.&nbsp;
Damn you Dave, I was going to test out Vampire, didnt realize it was you again taking
I just need to sort out Andy's character and then we'll be ready.
quick questen are you ganna streem this game on twitch? cus i'd like to see it &nbsp;