I'm running a game using my custom made Fire Emblem d100 system, and need people. We have two current players, and these players play the following classes: Fighter (x2), Myrmidon, Wyvern Rider, Thief, Priest, and Mage. Link to Rulebooks Link to LFG **Character Creation** - Each player gets 3 units - We will be using the Static Growth Rates alternate rules - Current Party Level: 5 - Character sheets will be supplied in-game through journals, though there is a less detailed excel character sheet I can give to people. - Units start out with 2 weapons they are proficient with and a vulnerary. - The following classes are not allowed: Dread Fighter - Units have D rank proficiency with their weapons. - Players can choose from Recruit and Unpromoted Units to be played. - Playing a recruit class, the character gains an additional +10 EXP when EXP is divvied out.