" As things stand, the line of sight walls for dynamic lighting block sight from both sides. What I think would be a really helpful feature would be the ability to select a direction which the line of sight walls could be seen through. For example, just recently I ran a session where there were multi-tiered sections to the map. People higher up can obviously look down and see the lower floors but the people below can't see the upper floors. The solution I had to use was a combination of the dyanamic lighting with the fog of war. And that became increasingly difficult to pull off as the party separated and explored. So to reiterate, I think it would be a very helpful feature for GM's if they can select if they want the dynamic lighting to allow the players to look through certain line of sight wall from a certain side. " From here: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1202340/feature-" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1202340/feature-</a>...