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Player see white map

Hi ! I am new GM on roll20 , i created a map on my campaign but when i re-log in player or invite other player , we only see token and not the map . I already search on the forum the same problem ,and i read your post for technical issues ( i have test an other browser , empty cache , disable adblock ) I have change the layer or sight token but nothing . If the problem was explain somewhere else i didnt find it and i am sorry ! Thanks for your answer !
Stephen Koontz
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Lucas, are you sure the map is on the map layer and not the GM layer?
I try to understand the post who explain layer , i can use it with the second button on the tooalbar that right ?
Stephen Koontz
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Checkout this page for more information about the layers. Make sure your map is on the Map & Background layer and not the GM Info Overlay layer.
I put it on map and background but still nothing
Stephen Koontz
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It's possible there is an issue with the background image you're using. Can you try using a different image and see if that makes a difference?

Edited 1432666638
i already tried with another but still white only token player
maybe it's the file type have you tried using a different one
Lucas, I would possibly suggest, if you are new, and are not sure, inviting a mentor or someone with some experience into the game, and giving tehm DM settings for 10 mins.. They may be able to work out this problem for you.. Just an idea.
Yes Christian i have change file but nothing . And Keith i think that will be a good solution , i just have to find someone now !
Stephen Koontz
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Lucas, can you PM me one of the graphics you're trying to use or email it to me at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and I'll make sure that it's something on your end or the graphic. In the mean time you should follow Steps 1-3 of our Solving Technical Issues wiki page, taking special care to temporarily disable all browser add-ons and extensions, temporarily pause your anti-virus, and try switching browsers (for Chrome/Firefox specific issues) to see if one of those components is causing the problem. If all of that fails, please follow Step 4 , including providing all of the necessary information, so that we can further assist you.
Forum Champion
Lucas t. said: Yes Christian i have change file but nothing . And Keith i think that will be a good solution , i just have to find someone now ! Hi Lucas. If you are still experiencing this issue, please Private Message me with a Join Link for your campaign. I will go and take a look at your map on my own time later in the day, and then I will write back to you. I might need to write-back and ask you to make me a Co-GM in order to get to the bottom of this issue. If I later need you to join into the game table at the same time as me, we will arrange a time to get together. Hopefully I can figure something out, and write back to help you along.