Due to scheduling changes, etc. I've lost a couple of players for my campaign recently and I'd like to replace them (as well as add 1 more player) and get the campaign moving smoothly again. I currently have 3 spots open for players. Currently, the group is 5th level and we are approximately halfway through the second module of the Kingmaker adventure path. The kingdom (Lucianus) is a small, LG-aligned nation with it's capital (Stagfall) in the heart of the Stolen Lands and it has just reached 10 hexes in size. The current group consists of: King: Cain, Male Aasimar Paladin of Iomedae Marshal: Maalik, Male Tiefling Monk Spymaster: Strikalius "Stick" Areanar, Male Elf Fighter/Rogue If this sounds interesting to you, please read the following before responding as I have a few hard and fast requirements of players. You must have a decent microphone and headphones. I do mean headphones here and not speakers as using speakers tends to cause echoes and feedback for the rest of the group. You must be able to play regularly at the scheduled times (currently Fridays 6-11 PM PST (UTC+8), but that can change if the group wants it to)). If you can't make a game, please let me know as soon in advance as you can so I can plan for it in the session. You must be able to use Google Hangouts and Google Docs without issues as I use both in the campaign. You'll also need an email address that will work for Google Docs. You must be willing to play a good (preferable) or neutral aligned character that is actively interested in working with the party and being successful at running a kingdom. I understand (and encourage) a desire to role-play, but characters who are too focused on their own story, too evil, or just have no reason to really be invested in the success of the kingdom just won't fit in the campaign. If you join the campaign, my rules for generating your character are as follows: 5th Level use point-buy for stats with 25 points start at max HP for 1st level. Every level after that, HP rolls should be D(HD Type / 2) + (Max HP from HD Type / 2). So, for example, if you are a fighter with a D10 for your hit die, you would roll D5 + 5 for your base hit points every level after 1st. Start with 10,500 GP for equipment and magic items. You can use 2 traits, but one of those MUST be from the Kingmaker Player's Guide (<a href="http://paizo.com/products/btpy8dqh?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Kingmaker-Players-Guide" rel="nofollow">http://paizo.com/products/btpy8dqh?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Kingmaker-Players-Guide</a>). You may optionally add more traits if you add corresponding drawbacks. A reasonably fleshed out character background is required, and should explain why your character would be interested in adventuring (as opposed to being a farmer) and any motivations that might be relevant to the campaign in the future. Find/create a character picture that can be used for your in-game token I allow rules from the following source books, and those source books ONLY: Core, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Race Guide (partial - talk to me first), Ultimate Combat (though I do not allow the Gunslinger), Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Equipment, and Ultimate Campaign. My intent is not to stifle players or discourage efficient characters, but rather to keep the set of rules small and sane enough so that we don't spend hours in rules discussions and so I can keep the campaign reasonably balanced. I'm not 100% opposed to bringing in a feat, spell, etc from another source if it makes sense in the context of the campaign, but it will need to be cleared with me first.