Hi, guys--didn't know if this was anything anyone had done--is there any way to make a roll query a drop-down menu instead of a text box (API or no)? I have one player in my game who plays a ranger who uses a bunch of different magical arrows. The base roll for each arrow is the same, with each just having different additional effects. I figured I could use the awesome Powercards v3 script by HoneyBadger and the conditionals to let me just do *one* Ability for the player rather than a separate ability for each arrow: just use a roll query to determine which arrow is being used, and use the conditionals to show the appropriate line of additional effects. However, that will only really work if the player is able to input the selections correctly every time, so I thought maybe enabling a drop-down menu might work--the player would just click the Ability, select the arrow type from the drop-down, and Bob's your uncle, or in this case your GM. Didn't find anything out there for enabling that, though...does anyone know if this is an option?