Ok, so I've been using some rather bulky and quite frankly complicated macros for some time with my attacks... and I've been trying for months to simplify them... I've gone through about a dozen iterations of the macro... and I'm at the point where I think it might be better to just ask for some help... Full Attack &{template:DnD35Attack} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtags=attacks with a @{weapon1name} }} {{subtags2=[[(4*?{Miss chance? (1=True)|0})d100<50]] attacks miss }} {{attack1=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}]]}} {{damage1=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg1=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]]}} {{attack2=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}-5]]}} {{damage2=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg2=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{attack3=hitting AC:[[@{weapon1attackcalc}-10]]}} {{damage3=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg3=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{attack4=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}-15]]}} {{damage4=for [[@{weapon1damage}]] dmg}} {{critdmg4=+[[@{weapon1damage}+[[@{weapon2damage}]][Telling Blow]]] crit dmg}} {{attack5=**Magebane**: + **2** atk }} {{damage5= +[[2d6+2[vs Arcane Spellcasters]]]dmg}} {{attack6=**Weapon Crystal**: }} {{damage6=+[[1d6[vs Undead/Constructs]]]dmg}} {{attack7=**Vampiric**: }} {{damage7=+[[1d6]]health steal}} {{attack8=**Vexing Flanker**: + **4** atk **Harmony**: + **2** atk Flanking **Tactical Precision**: + **2** atk}} {{damage8=+[[1d6]]dmg Flanking w/**Ruby**}} {{notes= All attacks hit Flatfoot AC}} @{weapon1attackcalc} 1d20cf=1cf=20cs<@{weapon1critmin} +[[{@{BAB}, @{level}}kh1]][BAB] +[[@{weapon1stat}]][Dex] +@{size}[Size] +@{weapon1enh}[Enh] +@{weapon1focus}[Focus] +[[2[Blink] +d1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +2[Healer's Vision] +3[Skin of the Hero] +3[Divine Favor] +1[Ioun Stone] +1[Aerial Combat] -?{Power Attack?|0}[Pwr Attk] +?{Misc Atk|0}]][Misc]
@{weapon1damage} 1d6 +[[@{weapon1damagestat}]][Str] +@{weapon1enh}[Enh] +@{weapon1specialize}[Spec] +[[?{Size difference|0}d6[Fell the Greatest Foe] +1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +2[Healer's Vision] +3[Divine Favor] +?{Power Attack?|0}[Pwr Attk] +?{Misc Dmg|0}]][Misc] @{weapon2damage} @{weapon2enh}d@{weapon2type}cf0[Sneak Attack]+[[floor(@{casterlevel}/3)]]d@{weapon2type}cf0[Hunter's Eye]+@{weapon2focus}d@{weapon2type}cf0[Bonus Dice]+@{level}[Craven] ATM, I either have a ton of queries to check what is and what isn't applied to the damage or I have a ton of excess bonuses listed after the damage... I would like to minimize both of these if at all possible... However, I have no idea how to accomplish that... and it would be to much to ask my DM to add some flags to each existing NPC for stuff like "Is undead?" "Is construct?" "Is arcane spellcaster?" "Is living?" "Is whatever?" I've got another attack macro I'd also like to find some way to do something about... this time it's a multi-attack macro and I've got no idea how to go about cleaning this one up... as it stands this macro takes up far to much screen space when rolled... Full Attack @{weapon1fullattackmacro} @{weapon2fullattackmacro} @{weapon3fullattackmacro} @{weapon1fullattackmacro} &{template:DnD35Attack} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtags=(Cyra's Familiar)}} {{subtags2=attacks with her @{weapon1name}s }} {{attack1=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}]]}} {{damage1=for[[@{weapon1damage}]]dmg}} {{critdmg1=+[[@{weapon1damage}+@{weapon1damage}+@{weapon1damage}]]crit dmg}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]]}} {{attack2=hitting AC[[@{weapon1attackcalc}]]}} {{damage2=for[[@{weapon1damage}]]dmg}} {{critdmg2=+[[@{weapon1damage}+@{weapon1damage}+@{weapon1damage}]]crit dmg}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]]}} {{attack3=**Magebane**: + **2** atk }} {{damage3= +[[2d6+2[vs Arcane Spellcasters]]] dmg}} {{attack4=**Vexing Flanker**: + **4** atk **Tactical Precision**: + **2** atk &}} {{damage4=+[[1d6]]dmg Flanking w/**Cyra**}} {{notes= + **1** Con damage per hit}} @{weapon1attackcalc} 1d20cf=1cf=20cs>@{weapon1critmin} +@{bab}[BAB] +[[@{weapon1stat}]][Dex] +@{size}[Size] +@{weapon1enh}[Enh] +@{weapon1focus}[Focus] +[[2[Enh Familiar] +d1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +2[Dragonblood] +3[Skin of the Hero] +3[Divine Favor] +5[Nature's Favor] +1[Aerial Combat] +?{Misc Atk|0}]][Misc] @{weapon1damage} 3d6 +1d6[Beast Claws] +?{Size difference|2}d6[Fell the Greatest Foe] +[[@{weapon1damagestat}]][Str] +@{weapon1enh}[Enh] +@{weapon1specialize}[Spec] +[[5[Collision] +2[Enh Familiar] +d1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +3[Divine Favor] +2[Dragonblood] +5[Nature's Favor] +?{Misc Dmg|0}]][Misc] @{weapon2fullattackmacro} &{template:DnD35Attack} {{npcflag=true}} {{name= }} {{subtags=attacks with a @{weapon2name} }} {{attack1=hitting AC[[@{weapon2attackcalc}-5]]}} {{damage1=for[[@{weapon2damage} -[[floor(@{str-mod}/2)]]]]dmg}} {{critdmg1=+[[@{weapon2damage} -[[floor(@{str-mod}/2)]]]]crit dmg}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]]}} {{attack2=Poison: (DC[[10+[[floor(@{hitdie}/2)]]+[[@{con-mod}]]+2]]) }} {{damage2=[[1d6]]Con }} {{attack3=**Venomfire**: }} {{damage3= +[[@{Cyra|casterlevel}d6]]acid dmg}} {{attack4=**Vexing Flanker**: + **4** atk **Tactical Precision**: + **2** atk &}} {{damage4=+[[1d6]]dmg Flanking w/**Cyra**}} {{notes= + **1** Con damage}} @{weapon2attackcalc} 1d20cf=1cf=20cs>@{weapon2critmin} +@{bab}[BAB] +[[@{weapon2stat}]][Dex] +@{size}[Size] +@{weapon2enh}[Enh] +@{weapon2focus}[Focus] +[[2[Enh Familiar] +d1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +2[Dragonblood] +3[Skin of the Hero] +3[Divine Favor] +5[Nature's Favor] +1[Aerial Combat] +?{Misc Atk|0}]][Misc] @{weapon2damage} 1d4 +?{Size difference|2}d6[Fell the Greatest Foe] +[[@{weapon2damagestat}]][Str] +@{weapon2enh}[Enh] +@{weapon2specialize}[Spec] +[[5[Collision] +2[Enh Familiar] +d1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +3[Divine Favor] +2[Dragonblood] +5[Nature's Favor] +?{Misc Dmg|0}]][Misc] @{weapon3fullattackmacro} &{template:DnD35Attack} {{pcflag=true}} {{name= }} {{subtags=& attacks with a @{weapon3name} }} {{attack1=hitting AC[[@{weapon3attackcalc}-5]]}} {{damage1=for[[@{weapon3damage} -[[floor(@{str-mod}/2)]]]]dmg}} {{critdmg1=+[[@{weapon3damage} -[[floor(@{str-mod}/2)]]]]crit dmg}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]]}} {{attack2=and grapples[[d20+@{grapple}]]}} {{damage2=}} {{attack3=**Poison**: (DC[[10+[[floor(@{hitdie}/2)]]+[[@{con-mod}]]+2]]) }} {{damage3= Sleep[[d0+1]]min}} {{attack4=**Venomfire**: }} {{damage4=+[[@{Cyra|casterlevel}d6]]acid dmg}} {{attack5=**Vexing Flanker**: + **4** atk **Tactical Precision**: + **2** atk &}} {{damage5=+[[1d6]]dmg Flanking w/**Cyra**}} {{notes=Secondary save sleep[[1d3]]hrs}} @{weapon3attackcalc} 1d20cf=1cf=20cs>@{weapon3critmin} +@{bab}[BAB] +[[@{weapon3stat}]][Dex] +@{size}[Size] +@{weapon3enh}[Enh] +@{weapon3focus}[Focus] +[[2[Enh Familiar] +d1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +2[Dragonblood] +3[Skin of the Hero] +3[Divine Favor] +5[Nature's Favor] +1[Aerial Combat] +?{Misc Atk|0}]][Misc] @{weapon3damage} 1d3 +?{Size difference|2}d6[Fell the Greatest Foe] +[[(@{weapon3damagestat}*2)]][Str] +@{weapon3enh}[Enh] +@{weapon3specialize}[Spec] +[[5[Collision] +2[Enh Familiar] +d1[Prayer] +2[Heroism] +3[Divine Favor] +2[Dragonblood] +5[Nature's Favor] +?{Misc Dmg|0}]][Misc]
It's a natural weapon attack sequence... since each one has it's own bonus properties I rolled them as separate templates... but this resulted in a full roll filling the entire chat panel and requiring some scrolling... It also has some of the same elements I wanted to change from the other macro included in it as well...