This may seem small and may have been an oversight but ... Why is there no right-click option to shift a token to Dynamic Layer? [I know there is a hot-key to shift there but not a way to move items there] For lighting, I will create a token (for daylight in the above ground or outside part of a map) and assign it light for all to see. I then make a copy of it and paste it to the Dynamic Layer, return to the Token Layer and delete the original since I can't move it. If the item requires changing (it is now nighttime) - I can right-click to move to Token for editing light output on token since the token pop-ups don't appear in Dynamic Layer then Cut-Paste it back only to return to delete the now edited token on Token layer. If would be much easier if right-clicking the item gave the option to shift the item to Dynamic Layer also. The other 3 layers are present, just not that one. Wasn't sure why not since I have to go through quite a work-around to change lighting on maps where I have "large outdoor lighting present in some areas but still want shadows on others [meaning I can't enable "Global Illumination" but have to 'fake' mass illumination in places by putting 'Sun' tokens with light on the Dynamic Layer] or Allow the token options to show while on Dynamic Layer (or maybe at least the light options for the 'token/item')?