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[LFP/DM] Forgotten Realms 5E Unlimited Spots, Newbies DMs and Players are Welcome

would love to join this seems fun
I would love to give this a try I really want to learn how to play this. link plz
I'm interested. I can DM but i'd like to try it out as a player and see what it's all about first.
Hi! I would love to give playing in this campaign a try.
PMed ya all.
Hello, looks promising boys, especially if I can spectate and take separate time to build up a character and get used to r20. Interested !
This seems really interesting. I've been wanting to try to get in to an online game, and this could be a good start with the drop in style you have. Color me interested.
Hi there, I'd like to join in as well if there is room. Would really like to be able to join in on games whenever I have time during the week. :)
Hi! It all sounds super fun, so i'm intersted in joining aswell.
Great. Check you PMs.
I would like to join as well. can you me for some information?
As so many others have said, i would like to join :)
Check your inbox. :)
I'd like to join but dont have any of the books, would i have to purchase those first or can a DM take me thru character creation?
Interested. DO I need to make a level 10ish character?
Would love to join. Looks like great fun!
i would like to join the campaign ;3 I'm DrSmileyPhD from Twitch
PMed :)
i would like to join
I would love to join in on this. If theres any skillsets/classes lacking (which i doubt) let me know amd ill fill in anywhere you want or need me.

Edited 1435717823
Hi, this sounds great and I'd definitely like to join as a PC. It's my first roll20 campaign but I've been doing 5e public play (as a player and recently as a DM) 1-3 times a week since the start of 2015. I've got some characters ready to import into this campaign ASAP. Thanks for making this available. (Wednesdays and Mondays are not an option for me, so assuming there are other days open, it would have to be one of those. Am I correct in thinking that this is flexible?)
I see you have 14 support DMs, what exactly is that position?
People who have expressed interest in DMing, Co-DMing, Players who are picking up the ropes of DMing. People who have help me read sessions here and there or build a certain aspect of the world.
Would love to join (newbie)!
I would like to join I can particpate on Tuesdays and one other day a week. I already know what my character would be but would need help with stats.
PMed :)
Is this strictly level 10? Or is there enough interest to start a campaign in the same world with level 1's? I am new to DND 5E and the only other thing I have played is Pathfinder.
You level with party so no level 1 for a long long time.
i would like to join.
PMed :)
I have never played a tabletop RPG before, but I would love to at least learn the ropes a little with hopes to join in a game at some point. Think is awesome that you are trying to create such a vast community for this. Would love to join if there is still room :)
PMed :)
I need help starting, I have literally nothing.
We have everything. Make sure you read the description ;) PMed
In the same boat as the last guy. Would love to join if someone wouldn't mind showing me the ropes. :)
PMed ;)
Thanks or the quick reply

Edited 1436018001
I'm new to roll20 and have tried two short 5e campaigns. I would like to join.
I wanna join too, would like to finally learn 5e :D
I would like to join, but my job is at night are there any times open around 12am EST?
Not sure what time is that in PDT, we have games at various times of the day. PMed
I've been playing D&D for 20+ years, but have never really done GM. I would be interested in learning. Would you please PM me with how to participate in the GM/DM classes you mentioned?
Would like to join. just message me the times with open slots and Ill work out my schedule.
I would be very interesting in this. Do you have any slots available and if so, what times would be available?
PMed :)