Devin N. said: @ Ryeaa, that would have been a great way to do it, if I had the forethought to do it that way. Packs are really the result of commissioned tokens. So I get a variety of character requests and very seldom do I get a request for 20 dwarves or 20 elves. So i release them as a mixed bag as they come up for release. I have threatened myself with doing packs of individual races or classes, like 20 fighters ranging through unarmored to fully armored with a variety of weapons I just don't have the time (or haven't made the time) to focus on sets like that. You should reconsider that though, Devin... I know that I would buy such packs to have the " perfect " token at my disposal for any given situation for a set race. I would prefer them as packs of races, though, with class types represented for that single race — although as class packs, with each one showing different races, would work as well. Too many options... mind blown... ;)