Hey there! My name is Jason, I am 31 years old and have been playing Pathfinder and a bit of D&D 5e. on roll20 for a little over a year now as both a player and a GM. I like to play and create interesting characters for games which leads me to lean a little more towards RPing types of games rather then just combat. However this doesn't mean I am against dungeon crawl type of games. I usually think outside the box when solving problems and often tend to like a nice mix of both role play and combat in my games. I have a very short experience playing D&D 5E and I am interested in playing more of it, however I specialize more in playing Pathfinder. I am looking to play either one but I tend to lean more to Pathfinder as I love the customization options it gives along with a constant supply of new books each month. I am hoping to find a game that runs either on Thursday or Sunday. Only time I have to myself is anything after 7:00 PM EST and I am good to go for as long as possible at night. I know this is sometimes hard to find, but I would prefer to be in a game that has players and a GM who favor dedication and being on time. I dislike being part of a game that has players who are a crap shoot when it comes to them showing up and end up bringing a game to entire halt because they didn't show. I would also prefer to be part of a group that is close to my age range (21-30). This doesn't mean I won't play with younger players. Hoping to hear a response soon!