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More Drawing Shapes

1. A simple eraser tool , i know this seems basic, but unless there is a tool i just have been missing, "Clear Drawings" seems like the only way to get right of things, besides scaling and undoing (Undoing that has been working on and off for me, personally) I dislike accidentally clicking on my background and moving it, or moving tokens and other things just due to perhaps a line being too thin or a misclick. 2. More shapes , beyond Circle, Square, and Rectangle, as well as an easier way to rotate drawings. Simple shapes like Octagons, Right Angle Triangles, Triangles, Diamonds, so on and so forth, along with the eraser tool, could allow DM's to make more unique dungeons, then square on square on square, and without any overlap. I know that the Line Tool can be used, but as a Perfectionist, that doesn't use pre-made maps of dungeons the line tool can make for very uneven and overall sloppy looking dungeons. 3. Better Music Filtering/Sharing . If someone knows of a way that i can share music with others, and have it in sync with them, without ruining the flow of the game IE: Ok, now everyone find "BattleCry By TurtleDoves" on Spotify, then we'll start. (I use spotify and youtube playlists in person, but not on roll20, the jukebox just doesn't have the music i need, or want) Either this is taken as a "Add more Music to Jukebox" or "add a feature that allows outside sources for jukebox", or even a "Can someone show me a way to sync up spotify or youtube with players" (Yes, yes, i know we aren't looking for work-arounds, but might as well ask) I will be grateful.
You can add more music to the Jukebox, you just have to make a soundcloud account and upload your own stuff and make it public (IIRC)
Forum Champion
Hi HuskHunter! You have some good ideas and suggestions there. 2nd suggestion is new, I believe. Would you like me to edit your Thread title to say "More Drawing Shapes (Octagons, Right Angle Triangles, Triangles, Diamonds)" so that the thread can attract more votes? 1st item is similar to another existing Suggestion, Circular Eraser Tool <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... 3rd suggestion is similar to an existing Suggestion that has popular support in the voting, Alternatives to Soundcloud and Additions to the Jukebox <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... If you agree you can copy-paste and add your Comments to the related threads, and Vote +1. For the most effective post in the Suggestions voting system, I recommend that you convert this thread (or ask a Mod to change it) to "More Drawing Shapes" (#2) while you copy-transfer your Comments (#1 and #3) to the existing threads that seem to match.
Gold said: Hi HuskHunter! You have some good ideas and suggestions there. 2nd suggestion is new, I believe. Would you like me to edit your Thread title to say "More Drawing Shapes (Octagons, Right Angle Triangles, Triangles, Diamonds)" so that the thread can attract more votes? 1st item is similar to another existing Suggestion, Circular Eraser Tool <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... 3rd suggestion is similar to an existing Suggestion that has popular support in the voting, Alternatives to Soundcloud and Additions to the Jukebox <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... If you agree you can copy-paste and add your Comments to the related threads, and Vote +1. For the most effective post in the Suggestions voting system, I recommend that you convert this thread (or ask a Mod to change it) to "More Drawing Shapes" (#2) while you copy-transfer your Comments (#1 and #3) to the existing threads that seem to match. You know gold, if you could be so kind as to change it to "More Drawing Shapes" (#2), i'd be thankful for it. I will follow those links, post my views, and make sure to upvote them!
I still want to be able to draw circles from the center of the circle, rather than having to guess how it will fall out and where it will center.
At least you can draw a circle/ellipse; I'm still stuck at those in the tutorial.&nbsp; As written in the tutorial, holding down "alt" doesn't do a thing. I want to support and, if it becomes practical, buy into the site, but frankly it's proving to be more trouble than it's worth right now as far as the VTT goes. Even finding "support" or relevant help is a bear.&nbsp; Not user friendly/intuitive at all. It's a great site to find game/rs though, perhaps the best.

Edited 1534833620
Forum Champion
T M. said: I want to support and, if it becomes practical, buy into the site, but frankly it's proving to be more trouble than it's worth right now as far as the VTT goes. Even finding "support" or relevant help is a bear.&nbsp; Not user friendly/intuitive at all. It's a great site to find game/rs though, perhaps the best. Hi, TM. The Roll20 Wiki, and the Forum, are good starting places for support and help. Please try the different Sub-forums on the Community Forum. Since this is the Suggestions &amp; Ideas subforum, could you please try putting your question(s) under Specific Use Questions, or Bug Reports &amp; Technical Issues? There are people who will try to help. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1534840912
Gold said: T M. said: I want to support and, if it becomes practical, buy into the site, but frankly it's proving to be more trouble than it's worth right now as far as the VTT goes. Even finding "support" or relevant help is a bear.&nbsp; Not user friendly/intuitive at all. It's a great site to find game/rs though, perhaps the best. Hi, TM. The Roll20 Wiki, and the Forum, are good starting places for support and help. Please try the different Sub-forums on the Community Forum. Since this is the Suggestions &amp; Ideas subforum, could you please try putting your question(s) under Specific Use Questions, or Bug Reports &amp; Technical Issues? There are people who will try to help. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'd love to; finding the appropriate place is another matter. There are so many different tabs, links, forums etc... it's "not fun", or user friendly either.

Edited 1534848665
Forum Champion
T M. said: Gold said: T M. said: I want to support and, if it becomes practical, buy into the site, but frankly it's proving to be more trouble than it's worth right now as far as the VTT goes. Even finding "support" or relevant help is a bear. Hi, TM. The Roll20 Wiki, and the Forum, are good starting places for support and help. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'd love to; finding the appropriate place is another matter. There are so many different tabs, links, forums etc... it's "not fun", or user friendly either. I am sorry that it hasn't felt intuitive. The Team is continually working on Roll20 to make the site better. Many answers can be found in the Wiki by looking at the topics: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If the wiki isn't helping, please ask your Roll20 questions on this link to the Specific Questions forum, and someone from the Community will answer and try to help: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Marketplace Creator
Thanks for the suggestion! After 30 days, Suggestions and Ideas with fewer than 10 votes are closed and the votes are refunded to promote freshness. Your suggestion didn't build the right momentum this time, but feel free to submit it again! We find that the best suggestions describe the problem you are having, and the solution you want. You can learn more about the process of making suggestions on the Roll20 Wiki! More details can be found here .