Elementary, my dear HoneyBadger! =D I boiled down the examples to the smallest command that caused the issue for me: !power --a|[[ [A] 1d1 ]] then I dumped out what was being sent to sendChat(): {
"titlefont": "Georgia",
"titlefontvariant": "normal",
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"subtitlefontvariant": "normal",
"bodyfont": "Helvetica",
"titlefontsize": "18px",
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"corners": 3,
"border": "1px solid #000000",
"boxshadow": "",
"a": "[[[A] 1d1 ]]"
I noticed how the expression had changed, so I tried the expression in the regular chat: SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "A" found. and got the same error, then looked through the code for where you were building expressions with [[, and observed the lack of a space. I also recalled problems with this initially when nested inline rolls were rolled out, which made the correlation easier. =D