Though it probably shouldn't need to work (I simply found out it doesn't), if you make a PowerCard for initiative, and add an option to do standard, disadvantage, advantage (like a lot of rolls), the field which shows is the appropriate one, but the one which is added to the tracker, is whichever the last one is. For example: !power {{
--name|@{character_name} Initiative Roll
--leftsub|Start of round
--hroll|[[ [$Adv] ?{Advantage?|No,0|Advantage,1|Disadvantage,2} +0d0 ]]
--?? $Adv == 0 ?? Roll:|~R[[ [trkr] 1d20 + [[@{initiative_overall}]] ]]~R
--?? $Adv == 1 ?? Roll:|~R[[ [trkr] 2d20kh1 + [[@{initiative_overall}]] ]]~R
--?? $Adv == 2 ?? Roll:|~R[[ [trkr] 2d20kl1 + [[@{initiative_overall}]] ]]~R
The only reason I know it's the last one, is because if (in this case), I select Disadvantage, the appropriate number appears in the tracker corresponding with the PowerCard. Any of them I move to the bottom by rearranging, the tracker corresponds to that roll and that one only. I normally hard code Advantage initiative rolls for my players, but I wondered if this would work (like it does for attacks, etc.) And.... not in the current form. I might be doing something wrong in this instance though. I'm not too worried if it doesn't work normally, I was just trying to set it to be an option so that those who have Advantage on initiative, can roll standard if they suddenly lose their ability to have Advantage.