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LFG: Creating Manga / Anime based D&D and Playtesting it

i am creating a system for different manga D&D games. what does this recreate. i am looking to anime's creating possible character cheets for those games and a system where people can have an enjoyable and good relation ship in playing that story. i think this can offer different story's in the anime and manga world there own sort of D&D game. i am looking for people who are intrested in helping me for this project ( i am kinda new to the D&D game and try to have a possibility to actualy play in a story of one of the manga books or anime's) if u are intrested plz hit me up.

Edited 1441288879
You should check out Anima RPG. You can literally make any anime character you want from Curse seal Sasuke to even making a death note. Its a little overwhelming at first but once you get the system its super fun. It has a ton of options for all types of anime characters and if they dont have a anime power in there you can always make your own power and special property. Also the system rewards you for describing your rolls. So if you punch someone and you describe how they flew threw a wall and grinding through the dirt the Gm may give you a bonus based on what the system gives. There are also "boss factions" like the Church that will hunt people down for using forbidden arts. Its really terrifying because some of those people have Goku level power and they are pissed at you.

Edited 1441288596
Why dont you try one of the RPG's actualy written for manga/anime roleplay.. Attempting a conversion using DnD is simply daunting when what your looking for already exists. Here are just a few, i am am sure more folks have better ones to advise.. 1- Anima: Beyond Fantasy-- Realy solid by FFG. 2- Tenra Bansho Zero 3- Double Cross 4- OVA (anime rpg) 5- BESM (big eyes/small mouth) 6- Shonen Final Burst
well i am working on the light noval / manga Douluo Dalu - battle continent writing character info and all the only problem i have troubles with is a combat system for the battle involvment. i got a few systems worked out already and i have read the anime roleplay things but they don't realy help me at the point where i was already in writting it all out for the combat system. or for the statics of the character in the roleplay system. stil i understand it already exists but didn't find it atm until a few minutes ago.
Fate Accelerated also works fairly well for anime. Might be worth taking a look and drawing some inspiration.
I have done something similar to your idea already and have a small programming background so I would like to help with this in my spare time which is most nights central time ... like middle of the night :).