I've created a custom character sheet based off of the Dungeon World character sheet code. I've basically just copied the code, added a roll template (also based off of the World of Darkness and Apocalypse World sheet), changed the way that Experience is calculated, and added a couple of extra die rolling buttons. The problem that I'm having doesn't seem (to me) to be related to any changes I've made, but it might be, so I'm asking for help. Now, I've linked tokens for my players to their character sheet, and linked Bar 1 to hp, and Bar 2 to xp. But sometimes, the Max values of both of those items don't show up on the token when I pull it onto the tabletop, and the bar goes away. This seems to happen when I have multiple tokens on the tabletop (either on one page or on separate pages). But it's not consistent. Sometimes it works fine, other times it doesn't. For reference, both of those Max values are calculated by code in the character sheet. I didn't change anything about how hp is calculated, but I did change the math for xp. Any suggestions as to what might be going wrong?