a simple script that uses the four tokens (all but green) to mark different ratios. changing the ratios will break some of the math, but it is still a good little script.&nbsp; This script tracks when a token is under half hp, and again when a token is under a 1/4 hp (bar1) and changes the status marker to the appropriate color according to the config menu - if you do not wish the script to show the quarter value, do not delete it, but simply change both status values to the same setting, that way the math will not be broken. It also tracks when your bar1 value (ie, HP) reaches 0, and marks your characters token with a bright red tint(default settings) to indicate that it is at 0 and is currently only 1 HP away from being in negative levels. this also is an indicator that the token can only take move actions without endangering itself (at least using 3.5 rules). As soon as the token goes below 0 hp, it will be marked with the dead X marker, indicating it should be unconscious and unable to act. once the bar1 value reaches or exceeds -10(again, default setting - can be changed via options at the top) it will change the tint to another color (default black tint) and keep the red X marker so that it is obvious that the token is dead. I find that this script gives the players something to base how much they have hurt a target without having to see its actual HP bar.&nbsp; &lt;script src="<a href="https://gist.github.com/Fantell/6029517.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/Fantell/6029517.js"&gt;&lt;/script</a>&gt;