We are about to finish the first part of our epic adventure, and due to scheduling issues we have a spot opening! So now is the best time to join, we are a group that is playing for more than one year, together on a rather consistent weekly basis. A few information about our game. • Cinema of the Mind and no grid! • 9pm EST every friday • Google+ with microphone. • We play with a mix of RP and Fighting • Generally dark setting If you want to apply, a word of warning, I will ignore any applicant that can’t read these simple instructions and follow them. I would like to know: Where you are from, how old you are, how long and what you have been playing before and a self-assessment of your playingtype. I also would like to have a short summary of what your last characters journey was like and what he did. And finally what your expectations are from us. Please sent me those information as a PM