So, people let's not give up! The world needs more Ars Magica and so do we all :D . I know no one is really bursting-happy about the Idea of GM-ing. So let us follow the good example of the mages we all want to play, and have a mutually beneficial compromise! All who enter and play in the troup shall swear a terrible oath to take on themselves the sacred burden of GM-ing at least one session in a roational pattern, postponable if another GM volunteers, having a story he/she wishes to tell, or in case of dire sickness, loss of limb or death. It doesn't matter if the stories are big or small, they may be about anything from a werewolf hunting trip to a tribunal. They can be standalone episodes to be concluded within the frame of one session or the part of a larger plot. If we have like 4 players, that means coming up with a one-session story every 4 weeks (assuming weekly meetings). I'm sure that doesn't sound bad in the face of, well, getting the chance to play flippin' Ars Magica :D. In favor of those lacking experience in ArMa (such as myself :P), I suggest tha saga to take place in a fringe area of europe (like scandinavia, or novgorod), where, if all else fails, a general fantasy story still sits quite well. Written on the second day of Scorpio, in the 2015th year of Aries. Woe upon those who do not see the boundless wisdom of my words!