I've set up a macro that rolls a variable number of attacks, but I've run into the issue of turning [d8+5] into say, [10d8+50] or whatever. If needed I can just make it roll [d8+5]* 10 or something, but would really love it if it rolled properly.
Right now I have
/em launches a volley!
/roll [[?{Number of Attacks=|10}d20>[[@{target|AC}-@{selected|att bonus} ]]]]d8
That covers the rolls, but for the flat damage modifier.... I am lost.
Is there anything I can do or do I need to just go with 1 roll multiplied?
Right now I have
/em launches a volley!
/roll [[?{Number of Attacks=|10}d20>[[@{target|AC}-@{selected|att bonus} ]]]]d8
That covers the rolls, but for the flat damage modifier.... I am lost.
Is there anything I can do or do I need to just go with 1 roll multiplied?