Hello. I have just read through the thread after not using Power Cards for some time. The advances to the script are amazing, super work!! I am struggling somewhat to write a couple of macros, I don't have the most logical brain, and hoped for some help or a steer to some examples that would help me. I am setting up a game of Blood & Treasure (a mix between OSR and paired down 3.5 SRD). I have set up three Saving Throw Macro's Fort, Ref & Will as below: !power {{
--emote|//@{selected|token_name} is attempting a Fortitude Save...//
--name|Fortitude Save
--leftsub|Saving Throw
--!Save|[[ [$Save]1d20+@{selected|CON}+?{Racial Bonus|0} ]] vs FORT
--?? $Save.base == 1 OR $Save.total < @{selected|FORT}?? !Fail:|$$#FF0000|FAILURE$$
--?? $Save.total >= @{selected|FORT} AND $Save.base <> 1?? !Success:|$$#7CFC00|SUCCESS$$
}} The Macro works as intended but I wondered if I could make 1 Saving throw Macro that allows the choice via Drop Down Query which of the 3 Saving Throws to Roll? I would also like to use a Macro for Heroic Tasks, I am floundering completely with this one. The rules for Heroic Tasks are: For each of the actions described below, the conditions required to elevate a simple task to the level of a heroic task are briefly described. In addition, several difficulties are listed that impose a penalty on the player’s roll. Each difficulty a character faces when attempting a heroic task imposes a ‐2 penalty on his dice roll. For example, riding a mount during combat is difficult, and therefore requires a heroic task check to do without falling off. Riding an untamed flying mount that has been frightened during combat involves three difficulties, and thus imposes a ‐6 penalty. The dice to be rolled and the number needed for success depends on whether the person attempting the task is unskilled, has a knack or is skilled at the task. UNSKILLED: The unskilled can succeed at a difficult task by rolling 1d20, adding the relevant ability modifier, and trying to equal or beat an “18”. KNACK: An unskilled person with a knack for something (such as an elf’s knack for finding secret doors or a gnome’s knack for listening at doors) can succeed at a difficult task by rolling 1d20, adding the relevant ability modifier, and trying to equal or beat a “15”. SKILLED: A character skilled at a task improves his chances of success as he or she advances in level. A skilled task check is made by rolling the indicated saving throw, modifying the roll with the indicated ability score modifier instead of the normal ability score modifier. There are 20 different Tasks/Skills: Is there a way to have one macro that allows players to select the Task they are attempting and apply the correct modifiers/target numbers based on their choice? Any advice appreciated. I have found plenty of combat macro examples and have been able to write Macros for what I need there but the stuff above, struggling. Many Thanks