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Quick Question: Map Background color

Gary S.
Marketplace Creator
Getting ready to run a game and looking for general preference: Let's say you have a color map for your players. Would you prefer the background ( the out-of-bounds areas ) to be black? Would that fit better with the fog of war/dynamic lighting system?
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
I would go for any color but black, so that I as a GM would be able to see precisely where out of bounds is through the fog of war and DL darkness.  White or a very dark, almost black, red are my preferences when I do have out of bounds areas on a map.
Black actually works better when you're using dynamic lighting, because you don't have to be as precise when drawing the lines for the lighting. This is especially true on cavern maps and other such irregularly shaped areas.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
If I do any maps or images, I stretch them to fill the entire area with no out of bounds seen. On the rare occasions I do have out of bounds area, I generally use the color of transparancy so that it looks like the rest of the unused part of the map area.
Gary S.
Marketplace Creator
Richard T.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Wow, I hadn't considered that transparency could be an option, this opens all sorts of cool things you could do with floating islands and ant-hill tunnel maps. 
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Richard T. said: Wow, I hadn't considered that transparency could be an option, this opens all sorts of cool things you could do with floating islands and ant-hill tunnel maps.  Yup.