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Question about Mentor status

Hi I really like this program, and I consider upgrading to Mentor, and while 10 bucks a month aren't that much, it's also more than nothing and I still do have a few questions: 1) Is there a list or overview or something as to what the "Dev Server" is and what is different there, than on the live version? 2) How often (on average) is stuff from Dev Server patched over to live? (If stuff usually goes live after 2 weeks it's not a huge advantage to play there, but if it usually takes 3 months for new features than it would) 3) If the GM is a mentor can he choose to play on Dev Server or normal server or is that automatically? 4) If GM is mentor, and a player clicks on Launch Campaign, and the GM is not currently online, will the player still log into the Dev Server stuff and can edit his own tokens etc? 5) If a GM is NOT a mentor, but one of his players is, can he give access to the Dev Server that way? Or would that player have to become the official owner of the Campaign and promote the real GM to Co-GM status? (Is that even possible?) 6) To those that have Mentor status: Would you say it's worth it? All that said, I will most likely upgrade anyway, just to support the developers for this great program, but I would still like to know what I'm "buying".
1 - Yes. It's posted in the mentor forums. 2 - I dunno... prolly a few months given that this is a very part time gig for them. 3 - Two different urls. So you can choose to use either dev or live. 4 - Yes, as long as they save the link to the campaign page. 5 - Yes, but the player w/mentor access has GM access to the campaign and has to re-login as a player once they load the app. 6 - Yes.
1) Hmm, and any chance to see that list before actually getting access to the mentor forum? (which I need mentor status for)
I think they prefer to keep that on the mentor forum so that speculation doesn't cause problems down the road when an expected feature is never realized.
6) To those that have Mentor status: Would you say it's worth it? Yes, definitely. Mentor gives you a taste of the new features months before their live server implementation, and even if some of such new capabilities --like iPad/Android tablet support, character sheets, dynamic lighting, nameplates, etc-- can be in alpha or beta stage, they still can be pretty functional and stable, enough solid for using them in your games.
Roll20 Team
Thank you for considering subscribing to Roll20, Quatar! In addition to what's already been said: You also get a louder voice. We often use the Mentors' feedback to judge how best to tailor a feature to completion. There isn't a hard rule of how long it takes for elements to pass from dev to production. It really comes down to when an individual feature feels finished and has enough polish to push out. We're constantly adding new stuff to the dev server for people to play with. Like Axel said, we currently have over on the dev server to test: tablet support, dynamic lighting, character sheets with macro-able attributes, changed up page settings and the brand spanking new WebRTC tech to hopefully replace OpenTok(Tokbox) for vchat. You also won't need to rebuild any campaigns if you decide to subscribe. As a Mentor, you can copy campaigns over from Production to the Dev Server. This doesn't work the other way around for obvious reasons, but you and your gaming group can leap into the dev server without any hiccups to any current game sessions you're running. Another perk is that you and your entire gaming group will no longer see any ads when you play.
Roll20 Team
Oh! Duh! As a Mentor you also gain access to the Roll20 weekly podcast too! Sorry. I need more caffeine today. :)
Thank you all a lot for your answers! I'm definitely going to subscribe now, once I figured out the game and get ready to start it
Forum Champion
Hey Quatar: are you the same Quatar who posts on the Paizo messageboards? - Gauss