QUICK RECRUITMENT I am currently have a long-running campaign with some friends. It has a lot of content in it currently, I would like to expand it by getting a new group and starting their own adventure to see how things change. Recruitment is short-term, I am looking for players that can get a game started in maybe some hours or a day after this message was posted. Here are the details wrapped up shortly: Players needed for starting times of: 8AM, 12PM, 4PM (all in GMT+9) Game setting: Low-magic item, low-money, slightly better than average starting stats, hard-ish encounter kind of campaign. Your goal is to start as a small organization of problem solvers and evolve into a glorious guild in the future! Voice chat, roleplay is not forced but will give rewards if done properly. Combat-oriented unless you know how to sweet-talk. Not allowed : Evil characters, Pure races (only half races allowed, dragonborn is not allowed). Character creation : point-buy, can also choose from homebrew feats and sub-classes. You only get half of your starting money. You start in debt. Etc: Due to the spontaneous nature of this idea that I had, I will only be recruiting for some hours. To Apply: To apply please write your preferred timezone from the above list of three time zones, I may allow one hour on or off the time shown, please write that down too. Keep posting until the moment I say that the applications are closed via a post. The moment I have 4-5 people for a specific starting time, I am starting the game and closing the application. The shown starting time in the LFG post is when I am calling off the applications. You can also find the same thing in the LFG <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/34864/steel-sou" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/34864/steel-sou</a>... I prioritize the post-time and not whether it was posted here or in the LFG.