Shane N. said: Yes but it gets knocked down so far they dont care to notice it It's not that we don't care. Many of the character sheet creators care very much and want to help make Roll20 be better. There are a lot of factors that go into one deciding to or not to make a character sheet: Do I have time? Do I know the system? How complicated is it? I would love to help make more sheets than I do, but honestly, none of us get paid and we all have lives outside of Roll20; so, those of us who can create sheets have to pick and choose what we spend our time on. I work a full-time job and the equivalent of 2 part-time jobs, I have a family and children, and all those things play into my decisions when it comes to a time-consuming hobby (and creating character sheets is very time consuming). And honestly, I have never played Battletech, and likely never will, so understanding all the nuances that would go into that type of character sheet tend to push me away from that project, because I don't have the time to learn everything, and then maintain and "bug fix" the sheet for a system I know nothing about. There are a lot of assumptions built into my decision (perhaps the system is VERY easy, and it wouldn't take much time, etc), but I have to determine which projects I will take on. Coal Powered Puppet takes on a TON of sheet projects and I don't know what goes into his (again, an assumption of mine) decisions to work on a sheet, but I also know he's recently started school again, so time is limited. I don't mean this post to sound defensive (though, I suppose it does), just clarifying some reasons why it may not have been done yet. There are a lot of sheets I think would be fun to do (Splittermond for example), but just don't have the time. So, it's not a lack of caring, it's a matter of other matters being prioritized higher for various personal reasons.