Hi. Had the most frustrating A/V issue with our group last night. I, the GM and one other player on my network could see ourselves on video, and we were registering on audio when we went Voice only, but no one else in our group (located elsewhere) could see or hear us. They could all see and hear each other, though. We had to switch over to Google Hangouts (which we hate) and then were able to play. It is therefore not a camera/mic issue. We have the most recent versions of Firefox and Chrome (problem exists on both). We have no extensions or addons running. No ad blockers. No antivirus software at all (we're on Macs). We are sharing mics and cameras with the browsers (each one at a time). We cleared our browser caches. We both ran the port check/connectivity doctor, as well as the WebRTC test -- all good there. We have superfast internet, so not a bandwidth issue. Our cameras show ourselves when we activate Video within Roll20, but it is not sent out to others, even when they indicate they wish to receive video. Here's a few minor weird things that might not be relevant, but might be. First, when we each go to Settings and choose Broadcast Video from the drop down, nothing happens. We have to refresh the browser for our own video to appear in the corner. Even then, however, it is never received by anyone else. Similarly, if we first load the VTT when the settings say to broadcast and receive AV, we do neither and receive neither. So, if the settings are set to Broadcast Video at login, video does NOT broadcast. I have switch the setting to Nothing, then switch it back to Broadcast AV, and then hit refresh, to get my camera to turn on. But even after all that it doesn't send to anyone else. To be clear, we've been playing on Roll20 several nights a week for months without troubles. Something like this happened to me back in June or early July, but it resolved itself after a week or two switching to Google Hangouts. Help! I'm the GM and it REALLY sucks to spend the first hour of your game session troubleshooting tech problems. So, so frustrating. Like I said, this happened to two players (my wife and I) on the same wifi network, so I guess it could be a firewall issue too, but, again, the tests above worked and we had no problems with Google Hangouts or Skype. OK, here's some tech specs for us. 15" Macbook Pros with Retina, roughly 2012 era, running OSX 10.11.1. Running both Firefox 42.0 and Chrome Version 47.0.2526.73 (64-bit). We have no ad-ons or extensions at all. We have no antivirus software. We do have Javascript enabled. And below is a console log from Chrome. I had to go into the settings and turn Broadcast Video off and on again for it to come online at all. I also hit refresh a few times at the end there. I was connected to the other computer here in the house, which was bradcasting her own video, but I received nothing. And she received nothing from me, even though it looked like I was Broadcasting on my computer. OK, sorry for the long post! Thanks so much for any help you could provide! ----- app.roll20.net/:12 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.doubleclick.net https://*.googlesyndication.com <a href="https://www.googletagservices.com" rel="nofollow">https://www.googletagservices.com</a> https://*.googlesyndication.com <a href="https://www.google-analytics.com" rel="nofollow">https://www.google-analytics.com</a> https://*.googlesyndication.com <a href="https://d3clqjduf2gvxg.cloudfront.net" rel="nofollow">https://d3clqjduf2gvxg.cloudfront.net</a> https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.firebaseio.com https://*.googlesyndication.com https://*.opentok.com https://*.googlesyndication.com <a href="http://www.google-analytics.com" rel="nofollow">http://www.google-analytics.com</a>". 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