Hi Dave, I've just done some quick testing in one of my games and when I move the ribbon my 'player' tab updates accordingly, this shouldn't affect the behaviour of the business as usual for people logged in as just players. Something to check, do you have any backup/copies of the game that the players might be sitting in while you are actually moving the ribbon in another game? (sorry to ask such a daft question but it happens... not that i'm admitting to anything!). The ping however doesn't show in the 'player' tab when i have a GM one open also, is this also not showing for your players or is that just a local thing you've noticed? Ultimately can you please follow Steps 1-3 of our Solving Technical Issues wiki page, taking special care to temporarily disable all browser add-ons and extensions, temporarily pause your anti-virus, and try switching browsers (for Chrome/Firefox specific issues) to see if one of those components is causing the problem. If all of that fails, please follow Step 4 , including providing all of the necessary information, so that we can further assist you.