It occurs to me that maybe what is needed (since particular rules have their own set of characteristics etc.) is an XML character sheet which the GM can define.
Then add the ability to reference an xml element in macros.
If that's not possible, how about an input prompt that will prompts for input with a label?
So for example, an attack macro might be:
/emote attacks!
/prompt [BaseAttack]
/prompt [Bonus]
Rolls /roll 1d20 + [Bonus]
These could be defined from within a character sheet created by the GM. A character sheet could be attached to a token. I see the potential for a character sheet for Players/NPCs and a Monster sheet for Monsters (I play an old school game, so your mileage may vary)
Then add the ability to reference an xml element in macros.
If that's not possible, how about an input prompt that will prompts for input with a label?
So for example, an attack macro might be:
/emote attacks!
/prompt [BaseAttack]
/prompt [Bonus]
Rolls /roll 1d20 + [Bonus]
These could be defined from within a character sheet created by the GM. A character sheet could be attached to a token. I see the potential for a character sheet for Players/NPCs and a Monster sheet for Monsters (I play an old school game, so your mileage may vary)