I noticed recently that the Keeper Password Manager
Extension drags Roll20 to a near halt when looking at character sheets. The DnD 5th Edition (Shaped) sheet is
particularly bad--Chrome times out and wants to kill the tab before the sheet responds. I see that this has
been reported before.
Keeper has the ability to use a list of Disabled web sites—sites
where the extension will not (by choice) function. I’ve tried adding app.roll20.net and *.roll20.net. I’m not certain the extension actually works
with a wildcard like that—it accepts it, but it’s not clear if it’s functioning
as expected with it. In any case, there
are still problems with having the extension enabled in this
configuration. Basically, Roll20 isn’t
What I’m wondering is, is there a list of other domains that
I should attempt to exclude from Keeper, in order to avoid a situation where I
have to disable the extension whenever I’m in a Roll20 session?