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Interest in Eclipse Phase?


Edited 1454533108
I know that this never gets much traction because of lack of people willing to GM, but I'd thought I'd give it a shot.  Anyone interested in Eclipse Phase?
Are you wanting to run, or are you looking for someone to run?
I would be looking for both a GM and other players.  Having never actually played a full game, I don't trust myself to run it.
Unfortunately, this is not a game that I feel like running right now.  As much as I hate to make "demands" of an undiclared GM, I would personally prefer a Gate Crasher campaign.
I suppose since no one is interested in Rifts, I'll GM this.
Although I'd rather GM a Firewall campaign with forays into other avenues.
That would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Your very welcome.
Only problem is I've never played let alone GMed this game before. So I may have to bow out.
I'd be interested in plating as well pending time and what not.
Wonderful system, very easy to pick up.  If you haven't GMed it before, don't be shy.  You can get a quick handle on it.  The only part that takes any real time is character creation.
Well that's good Because I was worried about the system being difficult.
So do Sundays work for everyone?
The evening works better for me.
Played the game, GMed it too, might be able to run a Stellar Intelligence operative cell campaign.
I would honestly be interested in a Firewall game.  Sundays work for me!
So what time works best for everyone?
If it is on Sundays, then it would need to be in the evening Eastern USA.
That works for me.
Sunday evenings are pretty much perfect for me, actually!
The Pale King said: I'd be down for a Stellar Intelligence campaign. What day/time? Could be 1pm EST saturdays or sundays
I'm good most times Sundays(pst -8), gatecrashing sounds fun but I'd be down for anything really in the EP system.
I unfortunately can't game on 1 PM EST because that's usually when I wake up.
I can run it later (up to 4 PM EST) on Saturday, but I have less options on Sunday.
Saturday evening works for me as well.
Very well, please, everyone interested, PM me your skype contacts so that we could get together and settle time/details.
So...I'm confused.  Who will be running a game Rhys, or Chaplain?
I was under the impression I was running it.
In that case, again, Sunday evenings work for me.  And a Firewall campaign with forays into other areas (esp. Gatecrashing?) sounds amazing!
PS - as far as having never run it before, there are a few really good adventures available.
So everyone interested PM me your Skype details and let's get this ball rolling.
I'm more interested in running the game rather than playing it
I fail to see what is wrong with both of you running.  You each have different schedules and ideas.  I am sure that there is enough interest for two games, especially if at least one of you are willing to deal with newer players.
Yeah chaplain. We could even connect our games if we share players.
Or even make them interlaced, with some of the NPCs appearing in both games, or both games affecting one another in a subtle way. Either way, that's easier to discuss in skype.
Yeah this is perfect man.
Oh, man!  I love shared-universe games!  I'll get you my Skype info tonight, Rhys.
We have Multiple GMs looking for players.
Now that we have an idea for a shared campaign, maybe a new thread for it would be good?  Since this was just an interest check?  Also, I'll throw my hat in as GM down the line a bit to expand it out more.
I'd be interested in playing if there is still room.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> here is the&nbsp;second campaign that will take place in the same universe as Operation Lighthouse.