Maybe one of you could submit this as a question for the Dec 13th, 2019 Community Roundtable (I already submitted my question).
I wish I had a vote left.
Doing a nested Parent/Child Inventory. Nesting ammo into weapons, nesting skills when they are defaulted from one another (GURPS), oh so many options. As a sheet author I would love this.
Yeah if I could dump all my votes in to this, I would.
How do we get someone to tag this as a character sheet request?
They look SO close to working, just spent ages wondering what I was doing wrong and why my modify buttons were not working right!
If so, do we know of a sheet where this has been implemented? Because depending on how this feature is built and accessed, this could break a LOT of scripts.
Better if scripters had an adoption period (like on the dev server) where scripts could be updated and tested to keep up.
Sounds more like some new features sheet authors can take advantage of will be coming to us in the next month or two. They don't really commit to nested repeating sections the way I read Kenton's statement.
Edit: Hope to be proven wrong, and we get this feature in the near future!
Not yet, my bad
Nested Repeating Sections is now a thing, but we don't know how they work yet.
I made a thread on the topic in the Char Sheet forum where we can start collaboration and updating on how it works as we get more info or figure out on our own.
Yeah, looks like I misunderstood what was said on the Comunity Roundtable stream, Spren. Nobody had questioned my interpretation until you replied, but Kenton just confirmed I was wrong in the other thread:
Kenton said:
Hey Andreas -
In the December 2020 Roll20 Community Roundtable I did answer a submitted question about Nested Repeating Sections, but my answer must not have been clear. We have been hard at work on the infrastructure that delivers Character Sheets to support of the mobile app that was released into Closed Beta earlier this week. Most of those changes are invisible to the end user, but Character Sheet Authors will start to see (or may have already noticed) more automation when merging changes to the Character Sheet Repo on GitHub.
Those changes do not include nested repeating sections, but I mentioned them because another indirect benefit is it reduces the complexity of changes like Nested Repeating Sections and other highly voted Suggestions & Ideas.
Yeah that's sad, I'd really like this feature since it would solve a few annoying things about the sheet I maintain, but alas, I continue to wait. Good thing Kenton replied to you and cleared it up before someone went crazy trying to get it to work.
Would love to see this. I have a few examples where this is beneficial for gear with options, specifically Cyberpunk 2020. ex: list of weapons with each weapon having a list of options/modifications to it (Smartgun link, extended magazine, silencer, etc..)
I doubt that it will Ever Come due to it's complexity, but I have added a vote for hope of the future :)