Andrew, I could, but I won't change any of the current fields at this point in time. For several reasons. First and foremost, the moment I change the npcattack, npcattackmacro, npcfullattack, and/or npcfullattackmacro field(s) to a repeating section, the information currently in it "disappears". So everyone loses the attacks they've typed in on their current npcs. Second, I don't want to change the npcattack or npcfullattack fields because I'm still hoping we eventually get a 3.5 Compendium. I've tried to set up the NPC section so that it matches the fields in the SRD in the hopes that I can then add the code to allow the drag-and-drop like the D&D5.0 sheet/compendium allow. I know it's theoretically possible to use the sheet workers to do some processing on the data to split things out, etc., but frankly, I don't know javascript well enough nor am a good enough programmer to write a script which can figure out how to take the attack field, figure out how many attacks are in it, create that many rows in the repeating section, split the information into those attacks, and then put them in the fields. Also, I don't particularly want to change the npcattackmacro or npcfullattackmacro fields because those are the fields I actually interact with and I tend to use macros to do so. So they might hold my attack macro: &{template:DnD35Attack} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}} {{subtags=attacks @{target|token_name} }} {{npcflag=true}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]]}} {{fumbleroll=Fumble:[[d20]]}} {{attack1=He swings a morning star, hitting [[{d20cs>20 +2}>@{target|bar2}]] time. }} {{critconfirm1=Possible crit; hits [[{d20 +2}>@{target|bar2}]] time. }} {{damage1= [[d6]] dmg.}} {{critdmg1=+[[d6]] crit dmg.}} {{attack2=------ or ------}} {{attack3=He throws a javelin, hitting [[{d20cs>20 +3}>@{target|bar2}]] time.}} {{critconfirm3=Possible crit; hits [[{d20 +3}>@{target|bar2}]] time. }} {{damage3= [[d4]] dmg.}} {{critdmg3=+[[d4]] crit dmg. }} and I use a token action with something like /w gm @{selected|npcfullattackmacro} to run it. I really don't want to invalidate all my current macros. :) If I were to add an additional field-set like that to the NPC sheet, where would be the best place to put it? At the bottom under the combat notes field? Perhaps under special attacks? An additional area under attack or under full attack? I don't think there should be 3 separate areas. And what fields should it contain? Name, area for the attack? Name, attack bonus, attack type, damage? A notes section? A macro field and a roll button? At this point in time, I tend to think that this might be better suited for a custom character sheet rather than the community one.