LFP 2 Creative Players to join AD&D 2E Adventures. We play weekly on MONDAY (sometimes switch to Tuesday), start time is 2:05 PM CST. This is in the afternoon USA times, Weeknight evening hours UK time zones. You can play and make your character literally TODAY if you reply here fast enough. Post a reply telling why you want to play AD&D 2E. Choose any available class & kit (subject to DM approval). You don't need to choose a certain class to balance the party. We have a wide variety available. If you want to bring a different skillset to the group, we are especially looking for a new Specialty Priest PC (any Forgotten Realms or Legends & Lore pantheons), or Druid , or Bard , any kind of Specialist Mage such as Transmuter or Invoker . We also have some extra playable species available from The Complete Book Of Humanoids , if you always wanted to play a Pixie or a Gnoll , this is your chance. Another Elf or Halfling or Human would also be great in this group. The party right now has: Dwarf Warrior Human Cavalier Minotaur Ranger Elf Mage-Witch Gnome Rogue _______ OPENING FOR YOU _______ OPENING FOR ONE MORE High Magic campaign, epic fantasy! Exploring + battles + Roleplaying. * High Magic setting, fair amount of magic items around, special allowances for Mages-Wizards and Priests-Clerics ! * Epic Fantasy. Global scale heroes. * Low mechanics. Reduced rules. Simplified combat. * Some elements may be considered gonzo gaming, psychedelic, supernatural, or unexplained. * Parts of the gameplay will be theater of the mind, using imagination. * Parts of the game will be story-game, narrative, description, parts will be active role-playing. * We may incorporate media, writing, music & illustrations. * Characters flaws and weaknesses are part of the RP. * Alignment is downplayed but player-characters are meant to be played good or neutral, while some of the possible NPC opponents are evil. * Includes classic adventure modules along with homebrew adventures & open world exploration. Gameplay consisting of: 1/3 Combat + Tactics + Strategy. ** Emphasis on player ideas NOT splat-crunch-rules. 1/3 Role-Playing + Character Development + General Banter ** (Have fun, express your character, make new friends), 1/3 Story, Plot, Mystery, Travel, Exploration. ** (Full size globe overland map with untold dungeons). Our goal together is to create an epic storyline and saga of the player-characters in the world, with some character development, personality, motives. Your goal is to fight evil, save the people, defeat monsters and win treasure, gather as much gold as you can possibly carry, spend it on upgrades and good deeds, level up and go back for more. The best player for this is someone who wants to: Be creative, engaged, productive, persistent, patient, flexible, kind, open minded, good natured. And wants to play AD&D 2E with the style and flavor described in this message. Sound good? Reply and tell why you want to play AD&D 2E in this. Thanks for looking.