Hey All, I managed to remember to take some pictures of my 5e Adventurer's League setup last night. The "DM Screen" Behind the "DM Screen" (potential Death House spoilers have been blurred) I use a 21.5" screen running Firefox logged in as a player. I have an additional screen behind that is duplicating the player's screen, so I don't have to sit in front of the screen, and potentially block the view. Both screens are plugged into my Surface Pro 4, which has Chrome logged in as the DM. I also have 2 bluetooth speakers (not pictured) that I can play Tabletop Audio ambiances, or battle music playlists. I use Roll20 for all combat, and interior exploration. I have an array of Dungeon Buddies for new players to choose their tokens. Players can also send me a picture over email, and I'll setup a token with TokenTool for them. For the player character sheets, I copy in their ability scores, race, class, AC, and whether or not they're proficient in Perception (for their passive score). Their HP is set to 5/5, which I use to trigger the Token coloring script for being below 50% or 10% HP. For NPCs and monsters, I use the full NPC sheet with macros (5e shaped sheet).