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The new D&D 2024 sheet is now available!

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[5e Shaped] 2.3.2+


Edited 1461061339
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you are updating an existing campaign I highly recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy data over. I also recommend starting each character from a fresh sheet. 5e Shaped companion script Documentation Release 2.4.0 Features: High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers) Improved styling to match the 5e paper sheet Nearly all elements clickable to output to chat Compendium Integration for NPCs, Armor, Equipment, Spells, Weapons NPCs Drag & drop from Compendium All actions and traits are parsed (even saving throws) Customizable skills Add or remove skills as desired Change ability used on the fly Translations (English, French). Looking for more translators. Auto populated Class Features which include things like Lay on Hands or Sneak Attack Repeating Spells Filterable Higher Level toggle Customizable classes Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Custom classes Spell slots are calculated automatically and only show for the level for which is available (can be customized) Hit Dice are calculated automatically and only show for the hit dice you have Armor Covers unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Toggle armored or unarmored bonuses as desired (mage armor for example) Automatically calculates Equipment Gold automatically calculated Weight automatically calculated for Armor, Attacks, Equipment Equipment items are clickable (potion of healing for example) Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Extra features: Jack of all trades, halfling luck, vision, movement, appearance. Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. TODO Check Vanakoji's raised issues&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Nice to have: Add a repeating section for regional effects and remove name from it & lair actions. Uses and restrictions for NPC spells Meters instead of feet Chat macros for Attacks, Actions, and Spells Conditions. see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Secondary inventory toggles. see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Warlock automatically cast at higher level. Add passive Perception Parse translated words for spell filtering (Can you give me a full list here, Alzam?) Attachers for melee, ranged, and other. NPC Automatically calculate challenge rating based on hp, damage per round, etc. Spell Point values customizable Elemental Adept Madness How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Hit save. Contribute: Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). If you are in the EU you can email me ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) and I will provide an IBAN number (easier for both of us). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions. Please report any bugs in this thread. Please read over the TODO items before suggesting any features as converting from old versions is yet to come. Special thanks to testers and contributors. Previous Thread 2.3.0 Added parsing for lair actions and regional effects in conjunction with Lucian's script work. 2.3.1 (bugfixes) Multiclassing with Warlock should now produce the correct results. This may have results that impact more, but I think it'll be ok. 2 classes + warlock seems to work as well. "Disadvantage" is now spelled correctly. Speed is now parsed for NPCs as well - just normal speed. To edit it edit the speed field and the number will be parsed out of it. fix "undefined" for spell filtering 2.3.2 Fixed Firefox styling for the following: Abilities will no longer expand beyond their box for ability bonus and check bonus for PCs and NPCs Saving throws will stay on the same line for firefox. So "Str +4" without a line break in between Coins label width is now big enough to show the coin type Toggles vertical alignment (checkbox was just chilling vertically aligned center) Added a border to the left of NPC saving throws in edit mode to add some clarity. 2.3.3 Fixed attachers that have crit involved. Previously if you checked crit it would stay active even if you turned it off. The sheet should update all attachers when it loads for the first time. 2.4.0 If "Filters" is toggled off then the rest of the fitlers are turned off. I also added a note at the bottom of the spell box to turn filtering off if unable to add spells. Hopefully this should clear up any confusion here. Added Weight Multiplier in edit mode for carrying capacity (default is 1, set to 2 for bear barbarian) Setup special effects for spells - still needs API Added a note to auto ammo usage that it needs API Traits are expanded by default I'm planning on adjusting the look of Class Features to be more in line with features & traits. Meaning show the title, have a display text field and then show uses in the top right of that row. I'll implement that over the next few days. @Lucian: Let me know if what I put in is sufficient for spell effects. I believe it is based on our previous conversation. I can work on JSON for some spells if you do the API part that makes the effects go off.
I'm having trouble populating my spell fields. If I populate more than 3 fields, it blanks out the spell. And I have to delete the spell and repopulate it a few fields at a time, then reload the session. I'm using a Chrome browser.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi Justin,&nbsp; Can you please clarify "blank out". Do the fields become empty or is the spell hidden? If the later please try to turn off all filtering. If the former does it matter which fields? Can you provide a reproduction path so I can try to verify this on my end? Thanks
A note on Magic Missile from the last thread: Magic Missile only requires one damage roll, which is then applied to each bolt. You don't have to roll for damage multiple times, you only need one roll, which is then applied to all of the bolts. This answer links to two tweets, and also explains exactly how it works (including how it interacts with Empowered Evocation). Rolling for each bolt is a common houserule, though, but you can avoid a lot of the hassle by doing it "by the book".
Kryx are you planning on including a migration from the 5e Community OGL to Reshaped?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Modnar: Since this feature is only going to be used by a small subset of users it is not on the top of my priority list. If you want to make it happen then I'll need some assitance from the community.&nbsp; I'll need a list of all attributes that need to be changed and what they need to change to. For repeating fields I can figure it out. If people are wanting the feature enough they'll help provide this list and I can process it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Good catch - thanks for the clear bug report. I've had a look at this and it's a bug in the sheet workers in the sheet itself. The Duergar is unusual in that it has an additional HP adjustment (based on its CON it should have 4d8+8 HP, but in fact it only has 4d8+4 in the MM, so the sheet adds a -4 adjustment to its expected HP). The script then later attempts to treat this value as a string (it can contain an expression like -4d4 if you want it to), but in this case it has previously been set as an integer, so the script explodes with an error. I'll send Kryx a heads up and hopefully he can fix it for the next version. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
2.4.1 Special effects now have type, color, and points of origin Fixed hp_extras to handle WotC math errors from creatures like Duergar
Any way to keep track of Ki points on your token? On other sheets I used to be able to set one of the token bar attributes to a class resource like Ki so that if I changed the number on my sheet the token would update, or vice versa. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to replicate that with this new sheet? Ki points are setup as a Class Feature but they are not an option in the attribute drop down in the token properties. Am I doing something wrong or is this particular functionality not in the sheet? &nbsp;&nbsp;
I may have missed it, and I notice it is on the nice to have list, but why is there no Passive Perception anymore? I found that close to vital as a DM.
Anyone else having issues with adding saving throws to weapons? I have a player with a weapon attack that has a saving throw, but when the saving throw box is checked and we set the DC, the block that would show the calculation of the throw is greyed out and nothing happens with the save when the attack is used.

Edited 1460086227
When I pasted an attack text from the monster manual in the fretext field (NPC sheet), it used to set up all the numbers almost perfectly. Now the saving throw DC is always wrong. Haven't tried with drag-and-drop @Kaelev: I have some players with attacks with DC and they work ok. Let me add a new one to see what happens. Ok, mine is grey too and didn't work at first. Just had to wait a couple of seconds for it to work. In my case, it's a latency thing, my internet connection sucks. If that's your issue too, try checking the Saving Throw checkbox and click in another field, like the recharge for example (it updates the data when you focus on a different field). Wait a couple of seconds and there should appear the calculation of the DC, using the default ability, in the grey box. Now set up the saving throw correctly. I hope this helps you. @James R. I have a macro that whispers me a list of my players PP. It's calculated like this:&nbsp;[[10+@{NAME|repeating_skill_$11_formula}]] repeating_skill_$11_formula is the wisdom bonus plus the perception proficiency, if any.
@Yadira: Checking another block seemed to fix it. &nbsp;Thanks! After that, other added weapons worked as normal.
API Scripter
I was wondering if it might be an idea to have the skills chat window ability include modifiers? So instead of outputting just "Animal Handling, Acrobatics, Athletics....", it would output "Animal Handling (+1), Acrobatics(+2), Athletics(-1)...", much as it appears in the (NPC) sheet itself . I ask because someone on the script thread asked about a command to output npc stats to the chat window, and it occurred to me that this could potentially be constructed out of existing standard outputs from the sheet rather than creating something special for the script. &nbsp;Thoughts?&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Aaron: there is no way to link a repeating item to the bars of a character. Roll20 has to address this. You can create your own ability in the abilities tab and use that. I would recommend opening an issue with Roll20 so they can fix this. @James: Passive skills aren't included at this time. One can simply add 10. If/when they are added they'll be added as a toggle and show on the same line as the skill with a bonus entry, but the benefit there is pretty minimal imo. So therefore it's not on the top of my priority list. You can also employ a method like Yadira has done. @Kaelev: If you can provide a reproduction path I'd be curious to see how this situation occurred, but I'm happy to see it is now solved. @Yadira: Pasting attacks has worked without issue for me, but I haven't tested any with saving throw. Can you provide a full set of reproduction steps with the text as well? Thanks! @Lucian: As discussed I agree. I also need to add several other chat commands.

Edited 1460123569
Hello, - first I want to apologize for my bad english, hopefully after a lot a checking it should be good enough to be understood. - After a few month without using ROLL20(too much work and family issue) I logged again to Roll20 and realizes there was a new character sheet. So I copy one old campaign and decided to use the new character sheet and it is really fantastic ! There was something I wanted to do as a DM : I would would use the big bad guy sheet in a separate tab but for each basic NPCs (a bunch of orcs, bandits, etc) I want to use a few macros I used buttons already in a sheet, use up arrow, copy tect in the chat box, paste it in a macro, change name of the token by 'selected', and I got a macro who works for all token. So I have as those sweet generic macro : Check : @{Selected|output_option} &{template:5e-shaped} {{ability=1}} {{character_name=@{Selected|character_name}}} @{Selected|show_character_name} {{subheader=Ability Check}} @{Selected|ability_checks_query_var} Save : @{Selected|output_option} &{template:5e-shaped} {{saving_throw=1}} {{character_name=@{Selected|character_name}}} @{Selected|show_character_name} {{subheader=Saving Throw}} @{Selected|roll_info} @{Selected|saving_throw_query_var} and the basic Init : %{selected|initiative} But there is still some thing that I don't know how to do it : I would like to have a few generic macros who use the first actions of an NPCs and I do not know how to do that, I tried with value from the wiki but without succes. Basically I want to have a few macro called action1/ action 2...who would call the first, second, etc action of an NPC sheet. 2 added questions : -&nbsp;when I create a PC, let's say a barbarian, I first go to the character tab, add barbarian and level, then I go to the core tab and create all class features. Iis there a way to populate automatically those features. - Is there a way to increasedamage output when the character is in rage ?

Edited 1460124379
I rechecked. It only happened when a DC doesn't match the formula 10+some ability modifier (like the Drow Elite Warrior's crossbow), and only with NPCs I had created before the update. I just had to redo those. But it works ok with new ones. So, probably it was just something wrong in my campaing @laurent d. for ability checks and saving throws you'd better use&nbsp;%{selected|ability_checks_macro} and&nbsp;%{selected|saving_throw_macro} NPC actions are:&nbsp;%{selected|repeating_action_$0_action} Change the&nbsp;$0 to&nbsp;$1 for the second action, to&nbsp;$2 for the third... Here's Vanakoji's&nbsp; documentation&nbsp; for more info, the wiki is out of date.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It does setup a saving throw with some adjustments in the bonus if it doesn't match the math. But if you're not worried then I won't.
For adding special effects: Will that work if I create the game as a PRO user, but my players use the free service? What are the steps to get it working? If I'm understanding correctly, it may be possible to attach effects to spells so when they're cast it prompts to use an effect?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For pro features everyone can use them if the game was made by a pro user. The idea is when you click the spell it prompts for some info and then puts the spell effect in the right place. Lucian and I are also talking about aoe stuff like the aoe script. It doesn't work yet though.
Hello Yadira, , thank for your help I really like the 2 macros you gave for abilities and saves. I tried the&nbsp;%{selected|repeating_action_$0_action} on an orc NPC, but all I got is an error message: No ability was found for %{selected|repeating_action_action} laurent d. (GM):selected|repeating_action_$0_action

Edited 1460129473
for some reason, when you copy the macro from here it does something weird to the&nbsp;$0, it disappears after you use the macro (probably because this forum seems to use the dollar symbol for formatting). Try copy-pasting it from somewhere else, or writing it yourself, and it works. I just checked it. Or try this text: %{selected|repeating_action_$0_action} I've never seen this happen before *shrugs*

Edited 1460134118
I just updated to the 2.4.1 version and it seems that the roll options (ADV/DIS/NORM/2) don't work properly anymore, atleast for NPCs. In v2.4.0 they worked. In v2.4.1 I can have the sheet open with Normal selected and I get one roll. If I change it to Advantage the output says advantaged, but the roll is a normal roll not the 2d20kh1 If I change it to Disavdanatage the output still says advantaged and still only rolls normal. Edit: NVM, I recopied the sheet HTML/CSS and it works.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Laurent: You should not use the up arrow to grab macro code as if it changes in the future your new macro will not be updated. Instead you should drag the button to your macro bar and then click it there. You can then use the up arrow to get the correct macro syntax that will stay up to date. Checks and Saving throws are already done in both query and chat macro form. See the settings page. You don't see to reinvent anything here - just reference those in a token macro. Yadira has the name right, but you don't see to have the selected part.&nbsp; %{ability_checks_macro} and %{saving_throw_macro} Macros for actions of an NPC you'll have to do manually. In the next update they'll be automatically there for you on the settings page. Class features are automatically populated already. Those from archetypes however are not added and cannot be added due to not being posted in the SRD. Is there anything missing? Rage should be handled via global damage bonus on the settings page - add the correct amount to that field. @BP: I see it working perfectly fine. I would suggest clearing out "roll_setting", "preroll", and "postroll" on the abilities tab - make sure to get any duplicates. Then reselect. If it is still a problem PM me an invite please.
I was playing with the FX of spells and when I try to enter an effect type, that text is then copied to the color field. The reverse is also true. On use I get a chat error of no attribute found for source_toggle and target_toggle. Doesn't matter I have selected as the point of origin. This is using sheet 2.4.1 and script 0.7. Don't know which is responsible.

Edited 1460135845
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@BP: If you update the sheet this'll be fixed. But the feature isn't complete. We have more work to do - mainly around determining how to do AoEs (likely like the one AoE script), but Lucian and I will talk tonight or tomorrow. I'm going to release a version soon with a bunch more chat macros.
Moved to API Thread.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Saevar please discuss API on that thread:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... 2.4.2 Macros for NPC items such as Statblock, Traits, Actions, Reactions, Legendary Actions, Lair Actions, and Regional Effects (PC items soon to come) Special effects setup to work with API fully now it seems
Kryx said: 2.4.2 Macros for NPC items such as Statblock, Traits, Actions, Reactions, Legendary Actions, Lair Actions, and Regional Effects (PC items soon to come) Special effects setup to work with API fully now it seems Loving this! &nbsp;I am having a little trouble with the spell effects, but I think it is api related so I will discuss that there. &nbsp;The info Macros are wonderful.It just occurred to me that I would also like to bring up information that I usually put in the bio section (i.e. longer descriptions out of the MM) is there a way to have a macro display what is in the Bio section? &nbsp;Could there be a place on the sheet for custom information such as this? &nbsp;Alos at one point you mentioned adding support for passive perception, is this still on the todo list? &nbsp;can there be a macro for this as well? (yes, I know I could calculate it from the bonus in the stat block, it would still be nice to have)
Love the Statblock button, however I will say for already existing creatures it doesn't seem to pick up the traits, actions, etc... automatically. &nbsp;If I modify the monster section then it will indeed pick that up.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ken, The sheet has no access to the bio section as it's not part of the sheet (attributes more accurately). PCs has misc notes, I could potentially add it for NPCs... hmm.. Passive perception was answered above: Kryx said: @James: Passive skills aren't included at this time. One can simply add 10. If/when they are added they'll be added as a toggle and show on the same line as the skill with a bonus entry, but the benefit there is pretty minimal imo. So therefore it's not on the top of my priority list. You can also employ a method like Yadira has done. Kevin, the sheet should calc old monsters traits, actions, and everything. I tested it on already existing Aboleth, Ancient Black Dragon, and Duergar. The sheet should update them on load: if (versionCompare(version, '2.4.2') &lt; 0) { updateAbilityModifiers(); updateSkill(); updateActionChatMacro('trait'); updateActionChatMacro('action'); updateActionChatMacro('reaction'); updateActionChatMacro('legendaryaction'); updateActionChatMacro('lairaction'); updateActionChatMacro('regionaleffect'); updateDamageResistancesVar(); }
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI here is a screenshot of the statblock for anyone who can't see it in game easily:
@Kryx: Is there a general macro that we can use to click a token that will access the statblock on tokens sheet?
I'm having a serious issue. The sheet now has no words in it..everything is blank. the buttons are there but all the descriptions etc are totally gone. Alot is missing out of the sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kaelev: I forgot what I named it, but %{selected|statblock} will probably work. Sean, can you be more specific? What version? What browser? PC or NPC? New or old sheet? If npc then which one. I'll have to investigate tomorrow - you can always roll back to an earlier version.
it's on opera and firefox and it and seems to be a PC issue
and version 2.4.2 ...though it was apparently on the last updated sheet from the selector on roll20 also. I had one of my players trying to fix his girls sheet today and sent me a text saying everything was missing...i had left roll20 open last night working on my camp and when i came home it was like i tried to update it via the code from github and it's still not fixed...i don't know what happened.

Edited 1460162220
Sean : try selecting a language (little flag in top right corner)
ok that worked thank you
how do i get the import menu to come back? the "i" that you can drag monsters and spells in from?

Edited 1460181258
Sean K.: you can select&nbsp;SRD for D&D 5e in the campaign settings
For some reason, whenever I add a spell in the spell section the spell just disappears after editing. Even when filters are off. If I go into modify I can see a blank spot that can be removed where the spell should be stored. What am I doing wrong? It worked fine up until last update.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please provide a screenshot.
Will do, tried using chrome, firefox & edge so far, all at latest version with proper updated plugins tried on machines running win7, 8 & 10, same issue for everyone in our game both for PC's and NPC sheets, all other info seems to update as it should, ie weapons/inventory etc. 1: Created a new spell slot ready to be filled in. 2. Dragged the spell from the compedium, the information is filled in, then 5 seconds later the slot disappears. Same effect if I fill it out manually. 3. Going into modify I can see that the slot is still present and can be deleted.

Edited 1460199045
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please test this on the latest version (2.4.2). As a Pro member you can update at any time. If you don't want to update then please test it on&nbsp;the test campaign <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> On earlier versions "Filters" does not actually disable all the filters - it just doesn't show the toggles. I believe that to be the issue.
I might be missing something but I'm not sure how to access 2.4.2, I can't find that option in the game settings. I only see v2 available.
Ah.. copied the game to the dev server and now it works. Thanks! :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro): Copy the html from github In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Hit save. The instructions for how to update versions are in the OP. Dev server should have no impact on this feature. The only thing that should matter is the sheet version.

Edited 1460217362
Hey Kryx, See you've written this in patch 2.3: Added parsing for lair actions and regional effects in conjunction with Lucian's script work. Sorry for being kind of silly with this =/ but I can't seem to find where to populate Lair Actions on the sheet =( Also looking at the document Yadira have shared about Macro's the following Macro doesn't seem to work as it can't find "Lair Actions" : %{NAME|repeating_lairaction_ID_action} Edit: I am an idiot - Never mind sorry
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Seems to work for me: %{Ancient Black Dragon|repeating_lairaction_-KEuv9ZhJ00Fzc5UHM4X_action}