Ugh. I had a big long detailed bug report and apparently hitting control-Z on this thing does really weird stuff. Anyway, Win7x64 and the latest Chrome. 49.0.2623.112 m. Steps to reproduce: Make a big table (6x6? maybe smaller, definitely bigger) Fill table cells with things. Problems: Active cell detection stops working after a few minutes while editing smaller tables and never works for bigger tables. That means that: Setting alignment begins to fail. When you have a cell selected in a row and it's not the first cell in that row, you can no longer set its alignment. Instead, the alignment of the first cell in the row is set. Stranger things happen when you have multiple cells in a row selected; you seem to set the alignment of the cells in the row above. Adding columns stops working properly. You can only add a column before or after the first column; god help you if you have more than one column in your table! Deleting columns does not work at all. I've got a handout with a table in it with a column I'd love to delete but cannot. Feature request: can we please, pretty pretty please, be able to set alignment formatting across multiple cells? That would be a huge timesaver!